The day when I arrived to sweden was a weekend day and I was starting the activities on monday so I couldn´t had a introductory day at the beginning. On the other hand there were no global friends students that contacted me before my arrival. Anyway any of them were really neccesary for the clinical rotations because on each of them they were doing an introductory day as well, with the information about that specific rotation. The real introductory day with the exchange student coordinator was good, she was really nice and she gave us a lot of usefull information for the next days. I strongly reccomend to arrive a few days before to start the activities so you would be able to get used to the city and to do the introductory day calmly.
According to the accommodation, that wasn't really difficult to obtain because I applied trough the UAC internet page 6 months before my arrival. The apartment where I stayed was really good, with all the basic stuff excepting sheets and adecuate curtains. The price was affordable according to the swedish reality so I think it was a good option to got one of those apartments. The social enviorment of my floor was excellent.
I only went to a one globals friends activity and it was good to get to know more people. Anyway, I think the most important social activities are been happening on the UAC accomodations. On those places you really manage to know a lot of people that at the end are a kind of family for you. Most of those people were exchange students as well. It was really difficult to know swedish students because they are a bit shy, because they were not attending to the hospital on the dates I was there and because the clinical rotations are thought to have no more than one or two students per department.
In my context is very popular the special agreement between my university and KI. Among other things because its considered a great medical university all around the world specially in the research area and because my university is willing to recognize the courses that are done here. At the beginning, the information about the exchange was given mostly by the students that have been there before, so them were the ones that encouraged us to apply. After that I applied and got the info through my faculty and then I got the rest of the details from the exchange student coordinator via email. The information about the courses and all the rest was submitted quickly and accurately. I didn´t need any kind of vaccinations
ELAX21 : Internal Medicine - Emergency
I couldnt write on this space! sorry!, I tried 4 times (the info was deleted when I tried to save it)
ELA005 : Internal Medicine 1
I couldnt write on this space! sorry!, I tried 4 times (the info was deleted when I tried to save it)
I have a really good impression of the medical education system in Sweden. The student is a priority for the teachers and you got to do a lot of practical procedures. The tutors were in general very nice and supporters and there tried to mix the theorical knowledge with the practical part. Something that really catched my attention is that the students are almost alone in every department (one or two students per department), so you are a kind of center of attention for the doctors and residents. Thats a good thing because its easier to solve the questions. The exchange was also a good opportunity to see other medical system reality, with more resources and better organization. One thing that could be improved is to have a text book with some goals and specific knowledges that the student should have by the end of the rotation, and to have more precise study programmes so it would be easier for my university to know what I did abroad.