Exchange report - incoming teachers
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2008/2009
Duration: 21
Name: Godfrey Katende
Email address:


Accommodation was well arranged. By the time i arrived at the station, all the necessary arrangements had be done for me, including keys, mail boxes, warmers among others. The living conditions have been superb with no major problems. I would wish to recommend accommodation arrangements for other upcoming teachers.

Language and Culture

Teaching was conducted in English, Obviously, there were situations were there was a problem of language barrier. There are many incidences where the Swedish culture is definitely different from culture from culture from my country. For example, men participating in the care of new born. There were no incidences of cultural crushes, I was so respectful of the culture here in Sweden and appreciate it the more I was able to adapt to it.

Leisure time

Some teachers went their way and  tried to arrange for socio activities like, I was able to visit parents and homes of some teachers which was awesome. But I also had some links within Sweden that earned me a great chance and opportunity to visit the parliament of Sweden in Stockholm, look at some nature (zoo) at Skansen on a boat cruise and many other places in Stockholm including the Kings church in Stockholm central.


It is highly vital and imparative for teachers to participate in the teacher exchange so that information can be shared and to gain international perspectives. My advice is strengthening collaboration in research....this is our next step we should begin to explore.

Other activities

I participated in a variety of study visits, these include; simulations at KTC, emergency care by firefighters, pediatric neonatal care, psychiatric hospital, and geriatric hospital study visits were conducted with the help of high level coordination between KI collegues..


I also had research contacts with supervisors in the social medicine school at Norbacka. For future collaborations, I would wish for support to be provided to Makerere University so it can at least acquire a simulation unit. Teachers interested in simulation can be invited and be taught how scenarios can be integrated in the simulation programs and teaching of students. Teachers well articulated in these simulations from KI could also give onsite education to teachers at Makerere University, College of Health sciences. This will be a great opportunity for Makerere to improve its teaching of clinical skills.


Our University has been part of the program (5 year now) and so I had prior knowledge of the program. Many of our teachers have participated in the same program. The moment I was given an invitation to participate in the program, there was a lot of coordination with the KI local coordinators which involved subjects and topics to be taught and presented during the 3 weeks program which are in line with KI school curriculum. Obviously, there was a lot of preparation on my side to gather information that was pertinent to the subjects and topics to be presented. No language preparation was involved. The author anticipated English as a language that will be usable during the presentations.


One of the reflection and something that I would wish to take home is the development of a model unit that fosters interprofessional team work and team building.


Makerere University adopted the Problem based learning (PBL) teaching method (now 5 years down the road). Of course with all its limitations and challenges, it seems to be the best teaching methodology as it engages students to be in control of their learning. KI uses many modalities of learning/ teaching techniques. I was able to participate in seminars, provision of lectures, discussions and clinical supervision. We (Makerere University, dept of Nursing) use similar approaches. The difference was at KUA where I had the opportunity to participate, observe and be able to learn from the students' point of view in fostering interprofessional team building. I sincerely believe that we need to adopt a model clinic or unit similar to KUA.


Student/teacher/patient relationships are commendable.

Teaching hours

The recommended hours of teaching as per the program requirements are 10 hrs but  I was able to cover more than required 10 teaching hours. The stipulation is as follows; About 27hrs/week especially during the clinical supervision of students at KUA. A total of 20Hrs a week to prepare using internet resources and reading assignments. 3 hrs a week for seminars.