"Time for business"-studies, an awakening realization. The course started off with clinical placements in different units in different hospitals and centers. The way midwives handled their clients was amazing. They fully exercised their rights as patients and healthcare professionals accordingly, treated their patients with dignity and organized work .
One mother asked us,"can you please massage my back ,am in pain?" to which the midwife immediately replied,"of course!".This was bery humbling considering that in my home country, there is not much dialogue between the midwife and mothers due to the resource constraints.This leaves a lot wanting especially in a world where a health worker is looked at as a 'small god'.
My supervisors looked out for my best interests and cared enough that i should see, practice and learn as much as i could.
The theory and clinical education were closely related. At my home university the learning system is problem based learning and student-centred, so the lectures were quite challenging but bearable. The libraries are equally equiped with a lot of reading material and computer rooms. During my stay, i came to learn that education in Sweden is entirely free and the practice of midwifery is not only valued but also less challenging than Uganda's.