Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universiteit Leiden
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2011/2012
Name: Lisette van der Voort
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Before I went to Sweden, I was told that there would be Global friend students which can pick up your key and bring you to your student room. I arrived in the evening when the UAC center is closed and unfortunately I didn't hear anything of a global friend student, not even that there won't be one. Luckily, a friend who was already in Sweden that day could pick up my key. I would advice to tell the students whether there will be some help or not. When not, it's useful to recommend the students explicitly to arrive during working days when the office is open!

The introduction days were arranged well, but some of the lectures were'nt useful (like accomodation). It was good to become a bit more familiar with KI in this way.


I had a room in Pax by applying through UAC. I really enjoyed living here. It's a nice and wide furnished room with a wide bathroom. The kitchens were also arranged well with locked cabinets for each student. It was nice to live with international students from all over the world in one building; we often met each other and planned some trips. The price is appropriate for what you get.
Maison des Etudiants Suédois

Leisure time and social activities

I went to some activities organised by global friends which were nice to meet other international students. I also took part in dragplastret, the dancing group of MF. Here I met the Swedish students and I learned a lot about the way of living in Sweden. I appreciated that it was possible to join a Swedish group.

When you want to sport, play music or something else you have to look for it yourself, but most of the time you can join.


I chose to go on exchange to experience living abroad and the differences between universities which can give you new visions. KI and LUMC have an agreement and each year some students can exchange. I didn't hesitate; I signed up, I got selected and I only had to sign some forms and I was allowed to go! I wanted to participate this program, because it's already in your 2nd year of the bachelor and everything is arranged and done before, so you're sure that it'll be fine.

Courses during the exchange period

BIOX05 : BACH - Infection and Immunity
Immunology was interesting and relevant. It was exactly on a good level and the teachers were enthousiastic. The part about pathogens was worse. It was a summation of pathogens, diseases and other facts. Instead, it would be more relevant to focus on infection mechanisms, the ability to cause disease and the immune reaction to pathogens.
BIOX06 : BACH - Integrative Physiology
Good and clear course. It was clearly divided into subjects and of each subject is described what you have to know. The focus was a bit more on mechanisms instead of facts than the previous course, which I appreciated. It was a relevant course on a good level en the examination was fine.
Hôpital Lariboisière


I had a really nice time and I had no stress with organisation stuff and forms; everything was clear. I learned a lot about living abroad on your own and I have good experiences after studying in a different university. I experienced that it's quite easy to go to another university and have a wonderful time! I will take this with me when I can/have to go to another university again for study or work.

Language and Culture

I took part in a beginners course organised by studieframjandet. I enjoyed not only learning the language, but also the Swedish culture. Sometimes it was too easy (but the next level too hard), because Dutch is sometimes similar to Swedish. It would be nice if students of different parts of the world have their own classes (like Dutch and German together, Chineze an own class, English and Irish together) to keep the level high enough.

Studies in general

KI is a nice place to study. There's a good library with reading rooms and there's a building with rooms you could use to study in groups. All information about your courses (including lecture powerpoints) is placed on the internet.

In my opinion, the study is too much focussed on knowing facts than on understanding mechanisms. We had a lot of lectures and very few seminars or discussions. You just have to study on your own and in this way it's sometimes difficult to find out whether you understand a subject or not. The seminars in Leiden are the parts in which I learn the most. The examinations are also different: it's more about the facts and it's thus not allowed to bring books. In Leiden you can use books, because the questions are insight questions and I think this is one of the qualities a student needs in later career. I didn't mind that the way of learning is different that much. It's good to experience studying in a different way, so you become aware of your own way of studying.