The Karolinska approach to undergraduate teaching is more self directed than my home university.
We employ formal lectures and bedside as well as clinic discussions with patients as our main teaching method with incorporation of problem based teaching, integrated teaching between disciplines and clerkship or residential programmes for emergency, obstetric and continuity of care exposure. My home university has a compulsory residential system with a very close teacher-student interaction at professional and personal levels which facilitates a mentoring approach.
At Karolinska I did not see formal lectures and bedside teaching was limited. The main focus was on problem, case based and critical appraisal techniques. The students were more involved in the learning process through these techniques and showed more responsibility for their own learning than I have seen. More students were involved with research at a very deep level than I have seen at home.
The course structure at Karolinska is in transition to a system based approach than a subject based approach which we employ in my University. The preclinical subjects are given a lot more time proportionally at home.