I was really impressed when I arrived at my accommodation. It was the first time I was to be staying in a student accommodation and it was much better than what I expected. The room is spacious and the best part was that my floor mates were really great people. Sharing a kitchen did not really appeal to me at first, but I think the good floor mates I have really made a difference. We all kept the kitchen clean and were very friendly and respectful. I am glad that I have my own bathroom though. The idea of communal bathrooms would have really out me off. The shared laundry room is also not so bad. It was daunting at first but there are instructions in English. I applied for housing through the UAC. I applied for both buildings but I am really happy with the one that was allocated to me. The cost of housing here is horrendously expensive. Especially in the first month when we also had to pay the deposit, more than half of my monthly allowance was spent on rent and there wasn't much left for anything else.
3GB000 : GH-Global Health
This course was great. It provided an overview of the Millennium Development Goals which set the scene for the rest of the courses. The lecturer really knew what she was talking about, was very friendly and very helpful. We had a variety of other lecturers for this module as well which was nice. It was interesting learning from people from different backgrounds.
3GB014 : GH-Health Policy, Management and Economics
Health Policy and Economics is not really my favourite section as I'm not really good with finances. However, the work was presented really well and it was made enjoyable. I will still not become an economist, it is very difficult work, but the lecturer inspired a real interest in the topic.
3GB016 : GH-Infectious Diseases - a challenge to global health: Clinical, social and preventive aspects (GH)
Infectious diseases was interesting to me particularly the antibiotic resistance given my background. Malaria was a really good module as well given that I come from Africa as well as the HIV and TB modules. The only problem with the HIV and TB modules given at KI was that it's not relevant for a South African situation, given that the epidemic is so advanced there. That was the only problem.
3GB013 : GH-Maternal and child health in a global perspective
Maternal and child health was a good module. The writing instruction part was really informative and the assignments were relevant.
3GB015 : GH-Non-communicable diseases, injuries, natural emergencies and conflicts in a global health perspective (GH)
This course has not yet been started
3GB001 : GH-Research Methodology
This was a module really useful to me because it provided me with a lot of information for the writing up of my own masters project at home. The epidemiology section was brilliant, The lecturer was really good and we all relate to him quite well. The only problem was that the level of information provided was much too high for the questions asked in the exam. As a result it was a very stressful five week module. Otherwise the information given was really helpful, I now understand many terms and concepts I didn't before I came here as my university did not offer a course on par with this one.
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