I really would have loved to be supported by a buddy but unfortunately there were some problems or something that i had to manage all by myself. The result was that I had to sleep the first night in a horrible hostel because there was no one who could have picked up my key for my room. I wasn't happy about that situation but in the end everything went fine. The introduction day was different from what i exoected. In my hometown university everything is planned and managed by students and you get in contact with other students. On the introduction day you "just" got information about your stay.
I applied through the UAC and got a room in Strix. When I arrived my first impression of the room was if i did something wrong because i felt like in jail. But after a trip to IKEA everythings changed and my room looked lovely and i felt really comfortable.There was everything available what you need but the bed was definately horrible. For the high rent you could expect a real matress not only pure cellular. After a while your back begins to hurt...
I always wanted to go abroad. In school i never had the opportunity to make experiences in other countries/cultures. Thats why I decided to go on exchange during my studies. The KI has a high reputation especially when it comes to medicine. Moreover the KI is a partner university from my hometown university which makes it easier to go on exchange.
3GB000 : GH-Global Health
It was nice to have an overview. I think that the teacher wasn't appropriate for the course. Sometimes I didn't know what was expected from me or what i had to do. I also think that the topics could have been presented more interesting and the questions for the exam didn't reflect the course and were picked arbitrarily.
3GB014 : GH-Health Policy, Management and Economics
For me this course was the best because i'm interested in this field. But again the topics could have been presented more interesting. Some presentations were not structured and it was sometimes hard to follow.
3GB016 : GH-Infectious Diseases - a challenge to global health: Clinical, social and preventive aspects (GH)
The focus was set on the most well known diseases like malaria. I would have loved to learn something about differented diseases. For me the focus was set wrongly.
4FH041 : EP-Introduction to Public Health Epidemiology
That was more an introduction to public health than to epidemiology. The level was set too low. The only thing i found very interesting were the 4 days full of statistics where i learned the most during the whole course.
I really had a wonderful time in Stockholm and at KI. I would reccomend it to everyone who wants to experience a lot in a wonderful country with wonderful people and at a good university. The introduction day could have been more intense and more fun. The information given at that day I already knew before I came to Stockholm and I would have loved to get more in contact with other students or with the KI philosophie and maybe spent more time with students from the KI.
The studies at KI differed a lot from what I study at my homeuniversity. But it was nice to experience a new way of studying. Group work is very important and a good way to learn, especally from other students experiences and their way of thinking. The study environment was good. It was a nice and relaxed relationship between student and teacher and i felt comfortable. But it seemed as if no one recognized me as an exchange student. Moreover the room was not adequate. It was such a small room and the seats and tables were not appropriate. There are not many differences/similarities between my home university and KI but it is hard to say because i'm studying on an undergraduate level and at KI i participated in the master courses which have other aims you can't compare to undergraduate studies.