Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Nanyang Technological University
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2011/2012
Name: Zhong Juinn Lim
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Introduction day is really awesome, because that is the day you start to meet all the new students i.e. exchange students. We generally found out that mst of us, if not all, will be staying at either Strix or Pax which are accomodation buildings very near to the campus Solna. The school also handed out a free bag for each which I carried mine to school daily, the bag really came in handy. Maybe they could include one laptop bag. Thenafter, we had welcome dinner by MF (student union of KI) which was fabulous. The entire arrangements made us feel very welcome, and easy.


I didn't contact any student health centre work.


Very efficient housing arrangements I would say, because everything can be settled through email. I applied through UAC, and by sending the acceptance letter from KI, the in-charge will arrange a room ver quickly. The quality of living is very good, and I like ensuite style of one room design. The heater could be a bit better, but I like Sweden's cold weather after I got really used to it. The cost is a little steep for students, probably if I compared back to what my home insitution charged. But generally, the money paid was worth it, except the deposit which I don't have any idea how UAC will return to my account.
Mitt rum, Hall of residence 7

Leisure time and social activities

I joined in the MF parties, and gatherings organised at my Swedish classmates' home. They are great always! Swedes are super friendly, and polite, and they really make good friends to talk to and party with. We keep in touch via facebook now.
Petronas Towers i Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


I was introduced to KI during one of the Swedish days in NTU. It is the school to opt for if want to be immersed into the "Nobel laureates" atmosphere. The swedes were very friendly and that gave me very good impression of them. Then further research led me to find out that KI is really a prestigious school, especially in the fields of medicine and biomedical. Therefore, I felt very priviledge when I got the acceptance both from my home institution and KI. The exchange information provided thereafter, by Malin, was indeed sufficient and good. It included map of the school, and some basic details which provided more useful links to check on the web. We didn't have to be vaccinated or bring certificates, because I wasn't doing any clinical rotations.

Courses during the exchange period

1BI011 : BACH-Molecular oncology and biostatistics
One of the best course I ever had in my undergraduate life. Although there was alot of lectures and seminars, there were equally as much fika and snacks in between the lessons. The porfessors are very approchable, and Dan, the course coordinator had the whole class to Cheese and Wine night. The content I learnt was very inspiring as it takes a whole new level to allow us to work with real life cases, realistic lab works, and meet up with patients. I am motivated to go ahead with a thesis in cancer-related field. Really enjoyed the 10 weeks.
1BI012 : BACH-Molecular medicine
This course is supposed to mark the last learning phase of the Biomedicine programme before the Swedish classmates have to embark on their thesis thereafter. The course is challenging but at the same time very fulfilling. Likewise, there were alot of lectures and information, and all the start of the few few weeks. Then we had to prepare research report, and at the same time managed labworks. Eventually, everything went very smoothly and we went on a cruise to present our research report and share all of our experience for the course. The memories I had were indeed awesome to say!
Immunos på Biopolis


Having an exchange period is really a worthwhile part in my entire life! I will want to do it again, or the experience has made me want to come back to Sweden to do further studies if by any chance. If you're okay with the weather and short sun-hours during the winter, then everything is just awesome. Tack KI!

Language and Culture

I missed out the Swedish courses. I tried to pick up Swedish along the way by communicating with my classmates. They are very helpful when I showed interest. Now I can count one to ten easily from either way. When I didn't understand Swedish, the swedes will also speak good English.
Ett av många hunduiska tempel i Little India

Studies in general

Back in my home institution, my cohort is too big for my preference. I like the class to be as small as 40 like what I had for the 5 months in KI. There is alot more interactions and attentions between the lecturers and students. I appreciate this condusive atmosphere for learning. There are frequent breaks which are really useful, and it make me miss Fika when I go home. I like how Swedes discuss issues, although sometimes they do converse in Swedish now and then, but they do give a good summary of their conversation in a quick time. They make you feel included when you express interest. Many issues can be negotiated, and things can be flexibly arranged which makes life schedule not of dead-tight. The library is superb, where we had good project meetings and studying times with some of the Swedish classmates.

School of Biological Sciences