Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Semmelweis Egyetem
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

The introduction day was really helpful. They showed us around the campus, and Swedish courses were offered. We could also do the MRSA test this week, so when I started my rotations, I had my negative test.


I only applied for a room in Pax through UAC. The room is very cozy, well furnished with an own bathroom. The kitchen was common, but equipped with everything needed. And it is a great community there of international students.
Every month I had to go to the UAC office to pay the rent and their opening hours were in my working hours, but they are planning to introduce online payment.
Mitt studentrum.

Leisure time and social activities

We arranged most of the social activities for ourselves from Pax, we took a nice trip to Lapland and visited city highlights, museums together. All activities arranged by Global Friends were great, where we could meet up other exchange students and the members of Global Friends. MF Social Dance courses are also free and fun (even if you never danced before). I met quite a few swedish students, they were all friendly with me, but didn't want to make international friends except one.
Sociala aktiviteter.


Our ERASMUS decision was quite close to the application deadline, so we had a long mailing about what courses are still available, but KI's coordinator was really helpful. I would recommend you to wait for the confirmation letter, where you will have your rotations. If most of them is in Solna applying to live in Pax or Strix would I say, if most of them are in Södersjukhuset, jagargatan is just next to the hospital. 
A member of Global Friends contacted me before arriving and I could ask every question I had. She also picked me up at the Central Station of Stockholm and escorted me to the dorm.

Courses during the exchange period

ELAXX6 : Surgery 1
Breast and Endocrine Surgery at Solna: Everything was really well organized here. At the first day we got a schedule for the whole period which doctor we should join with all their phone numbers. I spent a lot of times at the operating theaters, where it was always time for my education. At the outpatient clinics the patients came every 30 minutes, which led us to make long discussions about them. I never felt abandoned here. As an exam we had an evidence based medicine project, which I found quite challanging, but useful. You should feel free to ask to join surgens in other specialties as this is quite a narrow field of surgery.
ELAXX7 : Surgery 2
Orthopedics at Södersjukhuset: We recieved a shedule for the whole period. We spent most of the time at the operating room or at the emergency department. There were various seminars on the theoretical basics of orthopedics and some practical lessons as well. The exam was discussing orthopedic cases.
ELA005 : Internal Medicine 1
at Solna: The rotation itself was divided into two-week halves. I spent the first part at the emergency department. Every morning I was assigned to accompany a doctor, who I was following. The interviews went in Swedish, but to some younger patients we have spoken English for me. Most of the times I did the physical examination as well. Almost all the cases were discussed afterwards. I was able to join the cardiology and infectious teams as well. In the second part I joined the gastroenterology ward. I spent most of the time at the endoscopy labs, but some days I was joining doctors at the ward rounds or outpatient clinics.


All in all I had a great time in Sweden and definitely will come back again. It was useful for my future profession and we had great time otherwise. It makes your time much easier if you speak some basic Swedish that you can improve during your exchange period.

Language and Culture

I took a starters swedish course once a week, but the teacher missed at least the half of the courses without any notice. The ones I had were not that useful, we didn't make much progress. But in the hospital from the written materials I could pick up some medical swedish. 
All my rotations were in English, all doctors I met spoke very decent English with a nice accent.

Studies in general

The teaching methods were quite different from my universities. All the education was in small groups or by accompanying a doctor. All the doctors were really friendly, introduced themselves in their frist names. In everyday work it was a great teamwork everywhere with much less hierarchy. The education was based on everyday practicals with just the amount of theoretics you need for that. I participated in a student outpatient clinic which is a great method of education. All the patients were helpful and accepted me to take part/watch every procedure.
Plats för självstudier.