I arrived to Sweden the weekend before my introduction day so I stayed in Uppsala at my friend because I didn't get my apartment until the same day as the introduction day was. I got an room from the UAC and all the information regarding the apartment and rents was sufficient. I applied a couple of months before my exchange and I got the room about a month before leaving my home country. The accomodation was very cosy and you got to know many other people from different nationalities. It was a perfect way of getting to know new people!
I chose to go on an exchange because I wanted to see something new but I also didn't want to travel far away from my home country so Sweden was a good option. I chose KI because I had heard that it is a very good university. I got mail from my teacher that there is an opportunity to go on an exchange and I immediately contacted her that I was interested. The information of the exchange was quite limited and I had to email the coordinators in Sweden to even get to know which courses I could take. I would have wanted more information and in an earlier stage so that I could have planned my exchange more detailed.
1EE017 : Clinical rotation 1 for exchange students - physiotherapy
There was a misunderstandig between the school and the clinic I was going to do my internship at (Södersjukhuset). They hadn't got information of what topic my clinical rotation was supposed to be about so they had organized a different subject for me. It was supposed to be neurology but I ended up in doing a practice about internal medicine. It was okay but I would have preferred to do the neurological part because I already had done the internal medicine practice in Finland. Overall the practice was good. I had the opportunity to see different sections at the hospital and to follow many different physiotherapists in their work and also some occupational theraphy.
1SY018 : Physiotherapy 7 - Clinical physiotherapy
Because I missed the beginning of the course with all the theorethical stuff I only did the clinical practice for six weeks. My supervisors at the clinic were very dedicated in their task and helped me with all my questions. I did my internship at Stockholms Sjukhem. The subject of my practice was neurological conditions and it was the perfect place to in real life try out what I had learned in school. I told my supervisors what I wanted to get out of the practice and they made sure I got to practice and see what I had wished for. I had a chance to follow different proffessions in their work and also many different physiotherapists and their way of working.
Föreläsarna bär alltid rock
I liked my exchange and it was a perfect opportunity to see something different. I got a good picture of especially the Swedish health care system and if there were differences between Sweden and my home country I could discuss everything with my supervisors at the clinics. I would have wanted to get more detailed information about the courses that were available and the contents of the courses. It was hard to find information on the website when you weren't familiar with the website and didn't know where or how to search for the information. Overall it was a successful time abroad with lots of new friends and a lot of useful knowledge for my future proffession.
En typisk sommarvecka i Heidelberg.
Because I only had internships during my exchange I didn't have the chance to go to classes in school. From the beginning I thought that one of my courses would have contained lectures at school but when the course started I got told that the theorethical lessons were held already before my arrival. But we had some introduction days when the course started so we had kind of lessons with the teacher but they were mostly practical. Anyways I had taken a similar course at my home university so I only had to repeat the knowledge I had from before and I also learned a lot of new stuff during the introduction days.