Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Medizinische Universität Wien
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn and spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Michael Feichtinger
Email address:

Arrival and registration

The introduction day where very well organized and the MRSA-Test in the student heath center was no problem at all. 
Arriving in Stockholm I had to rely on other exchange students because the global friends never answered my mail asking for help.


I was living in a student home provided by UAC. Everything was organized very well and the price was ok. 

Leisure time and social activities

I didn't really participate at the activities hosted by the global friends. I was participating at the student orchestra and met a lot of people/made a lot of friends there.


I chose to go on exchange to Karolinska Institutet because I wanted to live and study for a while in an other european country. I chose Karolinska because here the education is very pratical based and the university has a great reputation.

The information I got from KI as long as I was home was sufficient and I didn't have to get any special vaccination or certificates.

Courses during the exchange period

D9XX01 : Clinical Medicine- Neuro, Senses and Psyche
Very well organized, you get to see a lot of patients and get a deep insight in the field. The exam is quite big but very patient-case orientated. Very nice teachers.
ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Great course, I participated in the swedish and not the english seminars so I can only speak for them. Very nice teachers, you had 3 weeks of gynecology and 3 weeks of obstetrics. The schedule runs parallel to the swedish gynecology course so you actually get to do the same things like the swedish students which is very good.
ELA001 : Dermatology and Venereology 1
Very nice teachers, environment. You get to do a lot of practical things, eg taking biopsies etc.
ELA004 : Paediatrics 1
Good course, even tho it could be a little bit more practical. I was following mostly and didn't have that much own patients (except in neonatology, there I could examine quite a lot of children which was good) I could attend the swedish seminars what was good but otherwise we did different things than the swedish students who had pediatrics at the same time.


It was a great experience to study a year at KI and I can recommend it to everywone!

Language and Culture

I participated at the swedish course, it was a free course once a week for a couple of weeks and in the first week it was 3 days in a row. It really helped me to improve my swedish and since I studied in swedish to understand/talk more at university. 

Studies in general

In the first semester I was studying in swedish with the swedish students. You get to do a lot of practical things and you have your own patients. There is no strong hirachy at all and the relationship between teacher/student is very friendly and nice. Teachers really take their time to explain you things or to discuss things with you, you really have the feeling that most of them really like teaching and are not only obliged to. The exams are quite practically orientated as well.