I could say studying at KI, is such a pleasurable experience. the study environment is calm and relaxing.
i think the student/ teacher relationship is very close, i must admit i have never had a such a relationship with any on my teachers back home
The patients were very welcoming , always wanted to know about my home country and how our health care, which i found really kind.
Iam very happy and felt like, finally was able to apply all my theoritical knowledge into practice, i think the clinical education was very guided with demonstrations and well planned, i was really taught and given all available opportunities through out the clinical education.
i think comparing my home university with KI, is not just right!., anyway honestly they may not be any similarities.
However, of course differences: KI, was a generally better learning environment, with very good library, i was able to maximumly use the internet for my reading at any place i was, whether the class, compound and hospital which was great,
i found the learning much more guided than in my home university
There was better follow up than in my home university.
I found the demonstration lectures really very good, however, most of the content was in swedish and the interpretation was not the best, but most important i picked almost every thing. i think better interpretation could be given.
i learnt to use and interprete, machines , i had only seen theoritically in the books. i was updated with evidence based practice.
I was happy about all my clincial placements because i really got all the exposure in need, however there were problems in communication of the rotation programes, i remember i missed out on some days of my next placement because of poor communication, i think the student should be provide with the whole rotation programe to avoid such instances