When I arrived at Stockholm, I had the possibility to be met at the airport. I did not have anyone meeting me, but I think that it is a verty good offer. At my arrival at KI I met both of the two persons I had been in contact with before I came to Stockholm, and they gave me some information about my stay. I had also been in contact with the health centre ahead of my arrival, because I had to tak an MRSA. It was no problem to arrange this on a suitable day, so that I had my results early enough for my practice. Early in my stay, I was invited to an introduction party. They had a very good arrangement. It was also a good way to meet other students and get contacts in Stockholm.
I applied for an accomodation at UAC. I did this because I had heard of it from two students who had exchange studies in Stockholm last year (from my school). I also saw that they had three accomodations where they had places for exchange students, and I therefore thought that my chance of getting an accomodation was higher. Also, I found the prices low. My room was quite simple, with a bed, desk and sink. The hall shared kitchen, showers and toilets. There was a good social environment, with many parties and acitivites you could participate in if you wanted to. They also had an own Facebook group, which was good for arranging activities.
Platia Aristotelos, stadens centrala torg. Centrum sträcker sig ungefär härifrån till torget Kamara och White Tower som är en central kultursymbol för staden.
The school arranged a party for as in the beginning of my stay, which I think was very good. Also, I got invited to some other parties. I wish the information about other social activities than parties could have been better. The social life at my accomodation was very good, and also in my class at the International Course, so I found it easy to make friends.
Gruppbild från en av våra resor vi gjorde med andra erasmusstudenter, denna under påskhelgen till ön Thassos.
I chose to go to KI on exchange because it sounded like they would offer me a varied stay, which was what I wanted. Both my home university gave me good information before my arrival, and I had good contact with both schools both before and under my stay.
AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
In this course we had lecturers from all over the world, which I found very interesting. This is not someting we have a possibility for in my home country. The students also had to present how the health care system etc. worked in their home country. This gave me good insight in how different it can be. We both learned a lot about CBR and culture. The most interesting was all the discussions we had both in- and outside of class. The quality of the lectures varied a lot from lecturer to lecturer, but in general I am very pleased with the course. We had one group exam and one individual exam. Since we had many presentations for the class before the exams, we got used to speak in front of the rest of the class, which I think was very good.
1AR017 : Interprofessional Clinical Education
Here I had the opportunity to work in a student team at an orthopedic section (KUA) at a hospital. We worked very independently, set our own goals for what we wanted to achieve with the practice and got to see how the other professions worked. Before we started the practice we had an entire day were we got to know our team and prepare ourself for the practive. This was very good. We do not have this opportunity in my home country, so this was one of my main reasons for coming to Stockholm.
EAR001 : Clinical rotation 1 for exchange students - occupational theraphy
Here I had my longest practice, so I really got to know the place. Here I got to meet many different patients, and see how my supervisor worked. The workplace was very inspiring. I did not get the opportunity to work so much independently. This was mainly because I had to go to KUA in the middle of my practice, which made in difficult to follow a patient for a long time. But I god to talk with a lot of the users who were there. Also, my supervisor and I disussed a lot, which I learned a lot from.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
This course had no lessons, but the possibility of 2 hours of supervision. This task I am writing from home. I wish that I had gotten better information about this course earlier, so I knew that there would not be any lessons. The task itself is very free when it comes to what you want to write about.
Några av studenterna på Nosokomio Papagiorgiou
My overall impression of my stay is very good. I have got to see a lot interesting in practice, tried to work independently, learned a lot in the course and made new friends. Also, Stockholm is a beautiful city to live in.
(Nästan) alla erasmusstudenter på ett foto.
I did not participate in any Swedish language course. I speak Norwegian, which is very close to Swedish, so there were no problems with language. In the International course, it was necessary to know English.
Cykelstrejk genom en av stans mest traffikerade vägar.
I had a clinical placement one place for five weeks and another place for two weeks. On the last place I got to work very independent in a student team. I also got the opportunity to visit other workplaces. Both my supervisors were very good, which I found imporant for making the practice good. I participated in an International course and a small individual course. Altogether, this gave me a very varied stay. I got to see how others worked and work independently. The International course was also very interesting, and gave me the possibility to discuss a lot, and get new contacts and friends from all over the world.
Några utav sjukgymnaststudenterna på sjukhuset