The first 7 weeks were clinical rotations at the delivery,postnatal and neonatal departments at Södersjukhuset and a maternity center.They were really interesting and the midwives were really kind.It was kind of dificult following what was going on when they spoke only Swedish but they tried to assign me to patients who spoke English whenever possible and translated for me when they could.I noticed that in Sweden the patients are well informed and their rights are really respected.One of the things i really liked is that each student is attached to a midwife who is their clinical instructor and this is different from my home university were the student learns from anyone willing to teach them.Another difference i noticed is that clinical skills were taught on dummies before allowing the students to touch patients.However i think students at my home university get more clinical experience probably because we have more patients.
The second course was really interesting and the teachers mostly encouraged us to participate and allowed us to debate and express our opinions.