Exchange report - incoming students
Bella Firenze
Home university: Università Degli Studi di Firenze
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

Before I came here i was contacted by a KI student who gave me lots of information and she was very nice with me. She helped me to find my way home from the airport and everytime I needed something in these 3 months...she was always there, ready to help me!

The introduction day was very interesting, we talked about what we were supposed to do, they gave us info about the city, some museums discounts, and information a bout a swedish was great! and swedish people are terrible kind!


I have lived in Pax in Vastra Skogen and I found it thanks to UAC.
It has been great to live here! everythin i need is just outside and you arrive in the centre of the City in only 10 minutes!
You just have a room but its very good that it has its own bathroom. The kitchen is shared but its ok because you have the chance to meet a lot of people!

It is verty expensive though...with the same price I would have had a whole appartement in my country, shared with another person!

The only problem is the day that you leave...the room must be veeery clean, otherwise you don't have your deposit back! This is not fair...I mean, as I said for my standard, this accomodation is very expensive...i thought that the cleaning in the end was included in the price!
Mia casa

Leisure time and social activities

No, i did not participate even if they were a lot!
I also did not meet many swedish guys, but i met people from all around the world and that was great!
Dante Alighieri


I decided to go to do an experience abroad to test myself. Nowadays in my country is not so easy to find a job and I really think that I will need to emigrate when I graduate. 

I chose KI because of its prestige and because some years ago I met one of the teachers of KI who came in my country to take us a lesson... she was very nice to all of us and I was intrigued.

The information given were very complete but, as always happens, if you dont try something you feel like you never know enough. Looking back, I can realize that I had all the information I needed.

I did not need to be vaccinated, the only thing was to check MRSA.
Hemma i Stockholm

Courses during the exchange period

SSKX02 : Somatic nursing, surgery - Clinical education 1
everything was great
SSK003 : Emergency care - Clinical education
It was very good
SSKX01 : Somatic nursing, medicine - Clinical education 1
I have learned a lot
SSK001 : Nursing of the elderly - Clinical education 1
Thanks to XX for everything she has done!


Everything was amazing, people are kind and friendly, hospitals are very efficient and everything is sooo good!
Bella Firenze

Language and Culture

The course was great but i only went there a couple of times cause I was here to write my thesis and I didnt have enough time to do both! However it is something i would recommend, the teacher was very funny and even if i went there just a few times i learned some basic words that helped me a lot!

Studies in general

Everything is so different from my country!
Students dont have any mentor, they are just there to work...there's no coffee break or lunch break because we quit at 2 o' clock and we are supposed to eat at home, no one tell us what to do, or explain us anything...

In Stockholm I felt like I was in Paradise! every nurse was kind and helped me a lot!

Wards are very different as well...the medicine room, for example, is very different from what we have... it is just a tiny closet with all the medicines stuck inside and everyone can have access to those medicines!

The relationship with the patient is very human! every nurse say his name and what he is supposed to my country they just enter the room and do what they need to to do to the patient..

I think I have learnt a lot in these 3 months! It was a great experience and I would recommened it to everyone!
Carreggi Hospital