Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne Université)
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Victoria Michaels Lopez
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I didn't go to the introduction day.
The contact with the student health centre work was very good, the information given was very usefull.


The housing arrangements were very good.
I apply through the UAC.

Leisure time and social activities

My social acitvities were with other foreign student that lived in the same student accommodation. I didn't know any Swedish student that is something I regret.


I decide to go on exchange because i wanted to practice my english and also because KI has a great programme in Biomedicine.
The exchange information given by my home university was not so good but the information given by KI was very precise.
I didn't require any certificates.

Courses during the exchange period

4BI071 : MAS-Biostatistics
Theoretical part was very usefull and it help me to understand some of biostatistic. Practical courses were important to make specific question about lecture and exercise.
4BI068 : From Science to Business - Concepts in Biotechnology
Very interesting information about pharma companies and how to built our own business. I would to have more business, management theory.
2EE084 : MAS-Biomedical project for exchange students
The lab where I did my project was composed with different foreign research and with different background so i was very interesting to work with them.


A wonderful experience, i met different persons and i made a good friends. 

Language and Culture

The teacher was an old woman and her english was not so good, so sometimes it was difficult to speak with her.

Studies in general

KI studies is very different from my home university studies. The number of student in each course is smaller so lectures are more dynamic. There is a good interaction between the professor and students, students can make questions during lectures and professors can know what are the students' problems, and they know their students. This point is very different from my home university where the number of student is bigger (sometimes more than 100) and students can not make questions during lectures.
Practical courses are very personalized. During these courses, we have 3 teacher around the room explain specific problems and answer students questions. In France, in practical courses  there are only one teacher explain the exercise and students can make questions. In Sweden, the student has to work by himself and make specific questions.