Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universitat de València
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2009/2010
Name: Carlota García Giménez
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I cuoldn´t be here the introduction day, but still i felt really welcome the first day i came, i liked a lot the backpack!


My kitchen and bathroom have been refurnished while I was here, that is not really nice. For the rest i am happy.

Leisure time and social activities

I have participated in some excursions from global friends, but not my global friends (physiotherapy) the regular global friends for the rest of the students. PT global friends never did anything.


I have always wanted to go on exchange, i like to travel and to meet new cultures and people. I chose Karolinska because a teacher back in Spain recommended me to come here, and i am really glad she did.

Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
I liked it a lot but i didn´t expect the course to be like this: it hasn´t been worse than i expected, but neither better. So I guess, next time that a course is offered it would be nice to receive more information about it.
ESG001 : Clinical rotation for exchange students- Physiotherapy 1
Really good, no complains at all, I liked it so much that I stayed in the same place for clinical rotation 2.
ESG002 : Clinical rotation for exchange students- Physiotherapy 2
I learnt so much and now i feel i am ready to work, before i didn´t feel like this.


Generally happy with my stay here.

Language and Culture

The time for the language course is not so good, it finished too late for me.

Studies in general

I´ve been really happy being a student here. Relation between student and teacher is wonderful. In the clinical rotations I learnt so much and at the same time i was able to practice it. In the course i learnt also so much, but not able to practice it.