I cuoldn´t be here the introduction day, but still i felt really welcome the first day i came, i liked a lot the backpack!
My kitchen and bathroom have been refurnished while I was here, that is not really nice. For the rest i am happy.
I have participated in some excursions from global friends, but not my global friends (physiotherapy) the regular global friends for the rest of the students. PT global friends never did anything.
I have always wanted to go on exchange, i like to travel and to meet new cultures and people. I chose Karolinska because a teacher back in Spain recommended me to come here, and i am really glad she did.
Generally happy with my stay here.
The time for the language course is not so good, it finished too late for me.
I´ve been really happy being a student here. Relation between student and teacher is wonderful. In the clinical rotations I learnt so much and at the same time i was able to practice it. In the course i learnt also so much, but not able to practice it.