Exchange report - incoming students
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Home university: Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci, Institut Paul Lambin
Study programme: Biomedical Laboratory Science
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Jean-Nicolas Lodewyckx
Email address:

Arrival and registration

At first we were kinda lost but we managed it to the accommodation. the next day we had a meeting with our coordinator and from there everything went well. He explained us what to do, showed us the buildings and introduced us to our supervisor.
Halgrimskyrkan i närheten av mitt gästhus


UAC accommodations are really great! The rooms are maybe a little small, but the experience of living there with a lot of other exchange students was very fun and interesting.

Leisure time and social activities

We went out and did a lot of activities with the people from the accommodation. And I made there a lot of great friends.
Blue Lagoon


I choose to go on exchange because I want to live in abroad, open myself to international. And our school proposed us Karolinska, so after some research on KI, I tought it was a very good idea.
Packa inte för mycket, ett bra tips för den som vill spara pengar.

Courses during the exchange period

1EE049 : Project work (Lab Med)
great impression
HBMAX1 : Literature Review Course (Lab Med)
Mitt tilldelade bås



Language and Culture

We participate to a Swedish class, but according to me, you can't really learn much with a ten weeks class (2h/week).

Studies in general

We worked in the lab on our thesis. Working in a team on a research project was really interesting and our supervisor was a great help to accomplish that work.