Exchange report - incoming students
Tema för rapporten är kursboken: "Lärobok för barnmorskor".
Home university: Universitetet i Tromsø
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

The arrival arrangements the first day was great. Had a little difficulty finding the meeting room though. Great introduction and tour around the building.


The contact with the student health centre was smooth. Very nice nurse who worked there. The test results of the MRSA test came quite quickly.



I arranged for private housing. I switched appartments with an exchange student from KI that was going to my university. This was arranged by my exchange student coordinator at my home university. I was very plased with my student appartment in Stockholm, great location. Same cost of housing as I am used to.

Leisure time and social activities

I think the social programmes provided for the exchange students could have been better.  Not too much information or arrangement of social activities. I think it was somewhat difficult to make any Swedish friends. I was mostly with other exchange students, we were 4 exchange students starting at the same time and who participated in the same group.


I chose to go on exchange because:

- I thought it would be nice to experience a new setting

-  meeting new people

- challenging

- personal develpement

- experience a new study environment



We didn't have that many univeritys to choose from, but I've heard a lot of positive things about KI from a friend that was an exchange student there.


I think all exchange information given was very informative, I didn't miss anything.

I did not have to be vaccinated or to bring certain certificates.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL002 : Child and Adolscent Dentistry - Odontology
Very friendly and helpful clinical supervisors. Good quality of the course. Nice to work in pairs with Swedish students. I didn't have an examination. This course was relevant for my degree.
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
The clinical supervisors was friendly and helpful. The quality of the course was good. I was given patients with varying treatment needs. I didn't have an examination. This course was relevant for my degree.


I think the exchange period was great.

Language and Culture

I did not participate in any Swedish language course, since I know and understand the Swedish language already

Studies in general

The relationship between student and teacher seemed great and not to formal, and also between student and patients. I think the study environment was good.


I didn't participate in theoretical lectures in Swedish, only the clinical rotation.

We are not used to having so many different clinical supervisors, we only have one that follows us all the time. It can be confusing when you have to relate to 3-4 different clinical supervisors with different treatment options for the patient.

We also have the same dental chair every time we are in the student clinic, we don't have to book a chair every time we go there. Since I'm used to having the same chair, I forgot to book one some times.

Too much paper work. I think it's unnecessary to fill in the journal both on paper and in Opus. In my home university we only do it in Opus. I don't understand the concept of "innvisning", when you have to show off  fillings, crowns etc. to get approval, when it's already been approved when you did the filling etc.