The relationship between student and teacher seemed great and not to formal, and also between student and patients. I think the study environment was good.
I didn't participate in theoretical lectures in Swedish, only the clinical rotation.
We are not used to having so many different clinical supervisors, we only have one that follows us all the time. It can be confusing when you have to relate to 3-4 different clinical supervisors with different treatment options for the patient.
We also have the same dental chair every time we are in the student clinic, we don't have to book a chair every time we go there. Since I'm used to having the same chair, I forgot to book one some times.
Too much paper work. I think it's unnecessary to fill in the journal both on paper and in Opus. In my home university we only do it in Opus. I don't understand the concept of "innvisning", when you have to show off fillings, crowns etc. to get approval, when it's already been approved when you did the filling etc.