Excellent study environment.
Reasons: absence from distraction like noise, good infrastructures and in good hygienic conditions, resourceful like libraries, Internet services, and co-operative staff.
Very good relationship especially between supervisors, students, patients, and teachers. They were friendly, co-operative and willing to share their experiences with me. Supervisors were cooperative, educative, friendly and willing to help when in need.
In KI/Sweden, there is improved technology, services, and health care system in general compared to my home country.
In my home country, there is more use of local materials and improvised aids than already made/imported or technical aids for clients. Similar to both is the treatment approaches and some times way of interaction.
My stay during exchange program me was very good.
What to be improved
Students should be asked to send their learning expectations and their areas of interest in relation to their profession.They should also send in their clinical experiences from different settings if any.
During placements, some students are placed in areas that are not of their interest, though part of the profession. Others are placed in areas where they had already got experience from home countries or other areas before. Some are placed in areas, acquire skills and knowledge/experiences that will never be applicable in their home country settings. These hinder learning. Its good to learn new things but its very vital to consider one's area of interest and choice for excellent learning results. Improvement should be made on this if chance avails next time. Tack!
Also students should be told what they are expected to do in different settings before their departure from home countries. This helps them to take like photographs, prepare their work/presentations from home countries relevant to their topics. Home universities should be advised to prepare their students prior to their departure. This is because some students leave when they are not sure what exactly is to be covered during certain courses.
What i learnt:
I learnt many things from different settings and people but briefly to mention are:
The role of an occupational therapist in a prison setting.
Differences in rules and rights of prisoners.
Differences in health care delivery/health systems.
Health care system in different geriatric settings.
The role of an occupational therapist in the care of elderly people.
Community based rehabilitation and how best to be applied.
Culture perspectives/considerations in relation to health care delivery.
"Personal learning" through sharing of experiences with other people.