Exchange report - incoming students
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Home university: Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5)
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Mohamed Krimi
Email address:

Arrival and registration

My first impression were excellent, we were very warmly welcomed both by the supervisors and the other students at the health center


Finding housing in Stockholm is very difficult because there aren't a lot of opening however the UAC was very helpful in finding me a place to stay! The studio in Strix was a bit difficult to settle in but I managed to adapt very easily.

Studentområde Rožna Dolina

Leisure time and social activities

I made a lot of swedish friends, but social activities in Huddinge were very few or at least I didn't know about them unfortunately....
Utsikt från Šmarna gora


I chose to go on an exchange program because I always loved to travel and wanted to see how studying in an another country would fit me. I chose KI because the school has a great medical reputation, and studying dentistry in Sweden is very enlightening. The exchange program is very well planned, everything we needed was provided, no information went ungiven, both universities have helped things to go very smoothly. No vaccination was necessary but an examination was needed it was very quick and without discomfort.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
Very useful, very well structured wish we had more patients but our stay was too short to allow us to do more!
ETL002 : Child and Adolscent Dentistry - Odontology
Very good team, very welcoming, taught me a lot about pediatric dentistry, had a great time!!


I had a great stay, I wish it was longer!!!!

Language and Culture

I did not participate to any swedish language courses
Škofja loka

Studies in general

The study environment was very relaxing and the relationship between students and teachers is very casual yet it manages to stay very useful and knowledge seems to be transmitted very well. It is very different from the way things are taught in Paris. Teaching here is very formal and the relationship between teacher and student is very severe with very little praise and a lot of criticism.  But the teaching in france is very clinical and a requires the student to be very critical of his own work and to think about why and how he is going to proceed with the patient. Being more critical can have a lot of advantages but in moderation of course!