I was moving to Stockholm for at least 2 years, so we found our own appartment in Södermalm. We found it through the website Blocket. We are very happy with our living arrangements and will rent here for at least another year.
There are many interesting social programmes that are available but I didn't participate in any. I would have wanted to participate and got information about everything, but I was pregnant and also did much with my boyfriend and friends who live here.
I went on exchange because I have always wanted to try and live in another country and I felt Karolinska sjukhuset was an interesting place to go for a clinical rotation, therefore and because my boyfriend got an interesting job offer in Stockholm and also because it was the university which the people in the University in Iceland recommended (when I told them I was moving to Stockholm)....I chose KI. The exchange information given by KI and my home university were OK and also the study abroad information. I was not required to be vaccinated but I had to bring a certificate regarding that I did not have certain infections because I had been on hospitals in Iceland.
SSKPED01 : Child and adolescents health care - Clinical education
I only went to the clinical course.Very good study environment, excellent people that I got to follow who were very helpful and capable, I was pleased with the supervision of the course. I would have wanted to get to do more in the clinic, but I was told that is not the norm in clinical study in Sweden and therefore I have no complaints concerning that. Overall I was very pleased.
SSK003 : Emergency care - Clinical education
I only went to the clinical course. Excellent study environment, excellent people I got to follow, I was pleased with the supervision of the course. I got to do more in that course. I was overall very pleased with this course. Very valuable experience.
My general impression of the exchange period at KI is very good. Like I have said, there are no complaints that I have and I am very pleased with the environment, people who I was contact with (teacher, people I got to follow, contact persons and everyone else) and everything went like I was hoping for. Thank you for everything.
I got all my written information in english, but in the clinic I talked swedish as well as I could (if I couldn't understand I switched over to english). It went very well talking swedish and I learned many swedish words that are used in hospitals. I went to another Swedish course on my own (In Folk universitet)
I only had a clinical study on Karolinska sjukhuset (not classes). I thought the study environment on the hospital was very good. I went to three places and everyone who I had contact with were very compitent and helpful. The biggest difference between my clinical study here and my clinical study in Iceland I thought was that in Iceland I am used to getting to physically do more in the clinic....it was a very valuable experience to get to observe who things were done and also how things in general work in such an big hospital, but it would have been very good to get to do more things (for example give injection, take blood tests etc.)- but this was different between places, in some departments I got to do things, but less in others. This is what I felt was the biggest difference. The clinical environment and methods used are very similar in Karolinska sjukhuset and Iceland. The frame of methods used to measure my performance in the clinic are similar in both countries, also the emphasis in evaluation.