I chose to do an exchange as I saw it as an amazing oportunity. I am really interested in traveling with my career of Nursing and saw this as a great opportunity to practice overseas but with support, through having preceptors in a student role. I also felt I would have great personal growth in taking this opportunity, growing in my personal and professional independence and self confidence.
I chose to come to KI as I felt it would be a more challenging and rewarding experience. My University provided 2 exchange programs, one to KI, Sweden and one to England. I felt that the language and cuture differences that there are between Sweden and Australia would provide a greater learning experience. Additionally, Sweden has a great reputation for their health care system, and KI is well know world wide for its research and quality of students.
I felt that all the main information of placement and accomodation was provided before exchange. I felt that their could have been some improvements from my home university in face-to-face communication, especially in the lead up to our departure to double chack we had everything prepared and organised. Maybe KI could send out an email e few weeks before departure to wish their incoming students all the best, just to let us know they are expecting us, just for reasurence.
We were not required any vaccinations that i can remember, however we were screened through KI for MSA