Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci, Institut Paul Lambin
Study programme: Biomedical Laboratory Science
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

Unfortunately, I arrived at KI too late for taking part to the introduction day. So, the first people I met when I arrived at KI were the exchange program coordinator and the coordinator who found me my internship. After general information about the life at KI, I met my laboratory team as well as my supervisor who explained me the purpose of my project in her laboratory. 


Thanks to UAC, I housed in a cheap student room in Södermalm, in Jägargatan 20. It was a perfect geographical situation for me because the building was close to the Huddinge campus and to the centre of Stockholm. The room was small but very clean when I arrived. The organization for the kitchen was good even if we were 12 students to share it. The atmosphere was amazing and I met people from all over the world, which also contributed to the success of my exchange program. So, I recommend this accommodation for all exchange students in Stockholm because you will never feel alone.

Leisure time and social activities

As I housed in a UAC accommodation, I did a lot of activities with the other students of the buildings. So, I made a lot of friends from all over the world, but not a lot of Swedish one.  

Unfortunately, I did not have information about exchange student’s activities in KI, perhaps because I did not participate at the introduction day. 


I always wanted to study abroad or realize an exchange program. So, when I had the possibility to realize this experience at Karolinska Institute, I immediately said: “yes!”. I had no other choice in my home university; it was KI or nothing... But this proposition was perfect for me because KI is one of the most important research centres and I didn’t know Sweden. Therefore, I was very impatient to leave.

Four months before leaving, there were two important things to do. The first one was the administrative part including the inscription at KI. Thanks to the online inscription and the Erasmus coordinators of KI and of my home university, this step was very easy. The most problematic part was the second one which was the accommodation research. After one month of investigation and thanks to another exchange student, I finally discovered the UAC website which allows me to apply for a cheap student room in the centre of Stockholm. It only remained for me to take the plane and live this amazing adventure.

Courses during the exchange period

1EE049 : Project work (Lab Med)
My internship, within department of Biosciences and Nutrition, was relevant for me. Indeed, I study Biotechnology in my home university and this project work allowed me to put what I learned into practice. The purpose of my project was very interesting and I learned a lot during these three months of work. In addition, I was lucky to have a great supervisor whose help and advices allowed me to realize my internship in best conditions.
HBMAX1 : Literature Review Course (Lab Med)
This course is interesting too but no so relevant than project work.


My experience in KI was really good. I recommend KI for exchange student because people are friendly and always there to help you. Moreover, KI offers luck to work in best conditions.  I only regret that I did not meet a lot of Swedish people during my stay. Apart from that, Sweden and Stockholm are great places to live. 

In conclusion, it was an amazing adventure and I was glad to do it.

Language and Culture

I did not participate in Swedish courses during my stay at KI. In fact, I was there to improve my English. Swedish was so not my priority. 

Studies in general

I did not was at KI to take part in courses. In fact, I was there to realize an internship in the context of my last year of my bachelor degree. I took part in a project within the department of Biosciences and Nutrition. So, I cannot say a lot about the Swedish study environment but, for the little things I saw, I can observe that students are in a very good environment compared to other university. For example, in my home school, we do not have a so big library or so much new apparatus compared to KI.