Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Helsingin Yliopisto (University of Helsinki)
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

The introduction day was very nice. I lilked the lectures, especially the lecture of different cultures was impressive and a good way to open up the atmosphere. I went to student health centre to be tested for MRSA and it worked fine.


I got an appartment easily through UAC. I had a single room with a bathroom and I chared the kitchen with abt 10 other students. Luckily the people at my corridor liked to keep places clean and I found my accommodation pleasant and worth of the rent.

Leisure time and social activities

 I participated in a dance course at MF. It was easy to take part in different occasions like parties organised by MF. However it was sometimes hard  to get to know abt those events,.


I chose to go on exchange to get new experiences and learn things. I thought that it would be interesting to and instructive to tudy medicine in another country and get a new perspectiv toward education. In addition I found it a perfect opportunity tomeet new people expand my worldviev and experience a new culture from the inside.  I also wanted to improve my language skills in Swedish. KI was my first choise because i had heard that KI was very great university with lots of talented teachers. Some of my friends had taken courses at KI and they told me that the courses were organised well. I read information provided through the KI website.

I was required to be tested for MRSA.

Courses during the exchange period

D9XX01 : Clinical Medicine- Neuro, Senses and Psyche


I really enjoyed my exchange at KI. 

Language and Culture

I studied my course at KI in Swedish.I didn't take any swedish courses. I had studied Swedish at my home country for 7 years and already knew the basics.

Studies in general

I learned a lot during my studies at KI. I studied the NSP-course and it was  great that I had so much clinical education and less theory at school so that I could study the theory at home and really learn a lot at school. Seminares were efficient and interesting.Teachers were friendly and skillful. I really enjoyed studying at KI. I heard that for example the psykiatri-course in my own niversity was mostly learning in small groups. At KI all the student were in different psykiatric department which was very good way to learn. To be able to "work" at the department it was necessary to study theory at home.