Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Kobenhavns universitet
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: NordPlus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Stephanie Berger
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I didn´t participate at the introduction day, because the semester in Denmark finishes after the semester in Sweden starts.. I had exams in Copenhagen on the introduction day, but I felt very welcome anyway! The contact with student health center worked perfectly. 


I lived at my boyfriends place, so I don´t really have anything to say about the housing oppurtunities in Stockholm.

Leisure time and social activities

I didn´t participate in any social programme activities, because I already had a contactnet when i arrived.


I wanted to go to Sweden, because I´m Swedish, studying in Copenhagen and my boyfriend lives in Stockholm. KI has a good reputation, so I thougt it was a good possibility to do a semester at "home". I didn´t need any vaccinations, but I had to do a MRSA test when I arrived in Stockholm.

Courses during the exchange period

D9XX01 : Clinical Medicine- Neuro, Senses and Psyche
Neuro: I´m very content, though I think the course was too short. The teacking was really good and the clinical education too. Psychiatry: REally interesting and good course. I specifically liked the videocases, very good way to train the psychiatric status. A lot better to see than to read about it in a book. It also focuses on whats important for us too learn- the psychiatric status, instead of learning specialiststhings that we forget about the week after the course. The wardweek wasn´t that great, because the situation on the ward wasn´t optimal, but otherwise I was very happy. Eyes: good and intense. A bit too much focus on the biomicroscope, which we won´t use in primary care anyway. Ears: too short. it´s quite a big field, and takes some time to learn.


I´m superhappy with my stay. KI gets 10 out of 10!!!

Language and Culture

I´m Swedish.

Studies in general

The study environment in Sweden is modern and very good! The relationshio between students and teachers is very relaxed and the teachers really want us to learn whats important and they take their teachingjob very serious, without taking themselves too serious. The theory is wellintegrated with the clinical education. and very timmeefficient. The clinical education is better planned in Stockholm than in Copenhagen, because in Stockholm they plan suitable patients for students. I´m very content and can´t complain about anything.