Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Hellen Namasembe
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Arrival at KI

The arrangements were fine because we were taken good care of very well from the time we arrived. Despite the delays we encountered in the hotel were we were meant to be the first nights, we still felt at home for all was done to make us feel at home. it was good.

The contact with the student health center was simple because it was earlier arranged before i came. when there i was taken by my supervisor so i could not get lost.



wow this was perfect. i mean the whole system of housing. we applied on line when we were still in Uganda which was impressing. so we came knowing where we were going to sleep. Strix was my hostel and it was of good standard. we applied through  UAC on line. the costs were fine because of the standards of the housing. The room had enough space and had good facilities.

The paying system at UAC is what i did-not like so well. the system needs softening a little bit.

Leisure time and social activities

This is the best part of the time i spent in Sweden. whenever i had no school work to do, i would go out with my friends and have some fun in form of shopping, window shopping, hanging out in different food stores, taking walks, getting lost on buses on trains, among other different activities. some of the big social events i participated in were the mingles thst were put up by KI. i enjoyed interacting with students and lecturers, and ofcourse the food part was so fantastic. On some occasions i visited the museum with my friends and lecturer, the park and different amusement centres. i went out swimming on the program set by my lecturer. it was such a life time experience which i carried back home with me.

The information about the social events was always given in time and they kept on reminding us which gave us not only the morale to participate but also the time to get prepared.
I was able to make some good Swedish friends who were so nice to me. We are still communicating. I miss them.



Exchange report - Student at KI



Home university:

Mulago Paramedical schools

Study programme:


Exchange progamme:



Spring semester 2011/2012


Namasembe Hellen

Email address:



I had always wanted to study from abroad and when this chance came my way, it was a dream come true. I did not choose on my own but the principal chose me among my classmates basing on academics.

I think the information given by both KI and my home university was elaborate, and enough for me to know what i was supposed to do.

I think the information was precise, i knew exactly what i was coming to do and duration for each course  and credits awarded for each. it was clear enough.


During our preparations to come, we were asked to vaccinate against yellow fever.

Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
This was so interesting because it gave me the chance to learn about other countries cultures and to mingle with people from different parts of the world. What i got from the course was how to handle disabilities and using the locally available resources. it also showed me that persons with disabilities have alot to play in society building and if lent a hand they are useful people. The different presenters motivated us and always encouraged us. the students and lecturers were friendly and really helped me feel at home all time. I really miss my classmates.
1EE082 : Clinical rotation for exchange students - physiotherapy
This was so interesting for i had lots of things to learn. I encountered many new conditions that i had never heard of in my life. many of these were genetic related which left some questions in my mind unanswered as to why such a first developing and rich country had such numbers of conditions affecting people. I attributed it to the life styles that people live and perhaps the chemicals and environmental changes. i found it rather challenging to freely associate with small children because of language issues and somehow the color, but thanks to my supervisors who always made sure i was comfortable. Most times i felt stressed because of the language, i was always eager to know what people were talking about before someone translates for me which stressed my brains at the end of the day.
1EE020 : Literature review
This course first gave me hard time and i thought i would not manage because i had no idea of how to do it but thanks to my supervisor who directed me. It was not a simple task. I sweated and toiled so as to try present something nice. Every necessity was there for me to write my literature review but with luck of skills i still found it rather challenging. Again i thank my supervisor for the help and time she put in to help me do what i did. My topic was so interesting and the fact that i love working with children, also made my work much more interesting.


What can i say about the time i spent in KI and Sweden at large! All i can say is it was wonderful. I was taken good care of very well from the time i stepped on the soils of Sweden. Everything that i needed, be it academics or my social life was provided, i did not lack. The technology was so advanced but i thank the lecturers who toiled all the time to teach me how to use them. so i cannot say it gave me hard time because there was always someone to guide me. The transport system to school was so good and comfortable. About time, i would like to appreciate KI for they taught me how to keep time. The lecturers were always on time, which meant that we all had to keep time. My impression about the exchange is that it was such a nice experience and to me was a dream come true. thanks to the entire staff of KI for the great opportunity they gave me to study from their great institution.

Language and Culture

Swedish was difficult for me to learn so fast because it doesn't have a given formula that guides you to learn. With time i started learning a few words and would find it intertesting to communicate with people. During my stay in KI i took Swedish classes which helped me undersand some words during communication. the course was good because it was taught by a motivating and interesting teacher.
The difficulty i encountered was that it was taught in the evening after school. most times i was always tired. Besides thst, the course was fantastic.

Studies in general

Studies in general

what can i say about the education system in KI? Perfect is the word i can use to describe it.Students have access to different learning equipment and material and the technology is awesome.

The environment is too conducive for the students and the Lecturers are free and friendly to students. Every one was free to express themselves which is student motivating. the way patients are handled is good. the way lecturers teach is practical and i liked the interactions and the way students views are respected.

comparing KI and my home university, KI has lots of facilities that any student would like so as to pass. all i can say is they are equipped and very different from my home university.