Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Università Degli Studi di Firenze
Study programme: Radiography
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012

Arrival and registration

The introduction day was a very nice day, but my language was not so was a little difficult for me  understunding everythink, because the other student were a cuople or more of one and they speacked a perfect english. But luckly my international coordinator was very patient and kind with me. 
After some days everything was different, in the hospital the work healt were too kind with me and the same was in the accomodation with the student health.


I found housing through UAC and I apply almost seven-eight months ago, It is very good I have been in sodermalm in Jagargatan and the place was very strategic and also the people inside were very good, maybe the cost is a little expensive but proportionate at the cost of the life.

Leisure time and social activities

I participate only at some social party in Stockholm, where I met a lof of new friends


I decided to go on exchange a lot of time ago, the means reason were to visit a different country and so a different culture and kind of working, and also to learn and improve another laguage; I choosed KI becouse I herad about it, it is one of the most important Institutet in the world, so I think was very good to learn there. I got all of  the study abroad-information means KI.

Courses during the exchange period

1RS025 : Clinical Radiation in a European perspective 1
My clinical rotation was amazing, I didn't paricipate at some course of theory but I ahve been every day at hospital to do some practice about radiograoher. I learned a lot of different type of work through a different country and culture, because the rule of the radiographer is different beetween Sweden and Italy.


My experience has been really the best that I could think, I learned too much things about my futere work and also for my life, I did simply a amazing experience, I improve my english and I learned some Swedish word. I will advise this experience to everyone here in Italy and I mean thankyou to you for this amazing possibility. 

Language and Culture

I would be liked to participate at some Swedish language course but I didn't know english language so before was better for me to learn some english.

Studies in general

In Karolinska I did only clinical rotation so I can't know the theory,, but about clinical rotation I'm very glad. I learned a lot of think in the three months spending in Stockholm and everyone were kind and avaiable with me. The patient too are different from Italy, maybe for the trattment got. I could speack english with them and some tike they spoeacked english with my tutor just for me. It was very nice. I think KI university is really better then my home university, so I've been very lucky to come at karolinska institute