Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Università Degli Studi di Firenze
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

I've had a very good impression of organisations at the introduction day. It was interesting and all people were very kind and on hand to help.


I've applied with UAC and I like my accomodation.

Leisure time and social activities

I think there were a lot of social activities but it was difficult for me follow them for my practical.


I've chosen to do erasmus in Stockholm because I've red good comments on internet from other nursing students. I've bring with me my european sanitary card and they ask me to do the MRSA test before to start my practical in the Hospital.

Courses during the exchange period

SSK003 : Emergency care - Clinical education
The ward CIVA in Karolinska Solna was very good. They make me feel comfortable and my supervisors were very good. They teach me a lot of things and let me practice with patients.
SSK001 : Nursing of the elderly - Clinical education 1
I didn't like so much the ward B83 in Huddinge Sjukhus: the staff wasn't bad but there were a lot of problems with communication because my supervisor couldn't speak English well and also the others. It was very stressfull for me becouse everytime I should guess what my supervisor wanted or was saying. Despite the problem of language they were very nice and tried to teach me how much they could.
SSKPED01 : Child and adolescents health care - Clinical education
I have been in two different wards: SABH e Q83, both in Astrid Lindgrens Hospital in Solna. I liked very much both but my favorite was Q83, I have had an awesome supervisor and all the staff was very good, also the chefnurse said that I should work in their ward when I'll be a nurse. I've never been so comfortoble in a ward like I 've been in Q83.
SSKX01 : Somatic nursing, medicine - Clinical education 1
I've been in AVA in Sodersjukhuset. The ward was good and also the staff nice but I think that the ward wasn't relevant with my course. That was an emergency ward and I should do domiciliar practice.


It was a beautiful experience and I want to suggest to other people.

Language and Culture

I've started a sweedish course but then I've give up becouse I didn't like it. The teacher talked to much in Swedish an I was elementary level an I couldn't follow her so well.

Studies in general

I've learned a lot from my differents supervisors. I've seen that in Sweden Nurses follow more guide lines and they are very prepared. All my supervisors put my learning before everything and sometimes this don't happens in my country.