Exchange report - incoming students
Hôpital La Tronche, Grenoble
Home university: Háskóli Íslands - University of Iceland
Study programme: Public Health Sciences (Master's)
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

There weren´t arrival arrangement on behalf of KI. I arrived on my own and everything went good.
I thought that the organization of the introduction day was really good and well done. I felt very welcoming and they gave out a lot of information, some of which were useful but some I had already known.
Självklart ska du välja en fadder!!!


I applied for housing through UAC but they told me I was too late for applying (even though I applied as soon as I got an answer from KI that I got in). I thought that KI could have been more helpful with finding an aparment but it´s probably very difficult for them since there is so much lacking of student apartments. I was also looking for an apartmen for my boyfriend and me and since he was studying in a different university it was difficult to find an apartment.
After a lot of searching I finally found an apartmentment through which I was happy about. I sent in an advertisement to along with picture and text about me and my boyfriend and got a reply from people who were moving abroad for the semester.
I was really lucky with the apartment since it wasn´t too expensive, at least not from what I heard that other people were paying for their apartments which were smaller and not as good facilities. 
här bodde jag tillsammans med 1 spanjor, 1 argentinare, 1 mexikanare, 1 indonesiska och 1 amerikanska

Leisure time and social activities

I participated in some activities by the student union (Medicinska föreningin) and they were mostly good and fun. They had a wide range of activities. The information about events was usually good. I only remember one time that the information wasn´t good and I therefore missed the event.
I think the student union could have placed some of their bigger events in a bigger place since you had to wait for a long time to get in without getting in.
I made some Swedish friends who were studying the same as I.
top of the world


I wanted to go on an exchange because I wanted to experience living in another country and I thought that going on exchange would be ideal for that. I chose KI because there were not many universities I could choose from in my field in my home university to go on exchange. I also wanted to live in Sweden so I decided to apply for KI.
The exchange information I received from my home university and KI was good and informing. I even received information (brocures etc.) from KI in mail sent to my home which I felt was useful.
I didn´t have to be vaccinated since I wasn´t going to be at the hospital. I didn´t have to bring any certain certificates since I had already sent KI all the information they needed.

Courses during the exchange period

4FH004 : HEPM Introduction to Public Health Science
The course was really well organized and even though the schedule for the course was tight and there were many lecturers it was always according to schedule. The content of the course was to a certain point relevant to my studies in my home university but to more extend it wasn´t, but I knew that before I decided to take the course. The content was really broad and some of the things I learned wasn´t very interesting even though most of it was. The examination was just as expected (I looked at old exams) and fair. The student presentations was during a whole day and I thought that they could have split it up to two days because it was too long. The main teacher was really nice, always willing to help and really friendly. The teaching method was mostly lectures which I liked.
4FH043 : EP-Methods for studying the distribution of health
Well organized course and useful. The content and teaching material was good and it was relevant to my studies. The teaching method was mostly lectures and discussions and the teacher wanted the students to participate a lot. The discussions were useful. The examination was as expected and it was fair.


I´m generally pleased with my stay in KI. Everything was well organized and planned and the teachers and staff were helpful. The quality of the studies was good and I learned new things that were useful for my studies in my home country.
If there is something I would have liked to be different it is the housing arrangement that could have been better arranged. It would also have been nice if there was more selection of language courses.
Les Contamines

Language and Culture

I participated in a Swedish language course but I quit after two weeks because the course was too easy. It was only for absolute beginners. I would have liked it if there were more advanced free language courses.
Despite that I would recommend going to a language course because I got to know few girls that were also going to study the same as I and it was good to know someone before the courses in KI started.
Nouveau Beaujolais

Studies in general

I really liked how the courses are organized, that there´s only one course at a time. It´s not that way in my university and I thought it was very good.
The teachers were very helpful and wanted us to learn and they wanted to get feedback of the courses. I had the feeling that the feedback is really used to improve the courses but that´s not the feeling when I give feedback in my home univerisity.
flitens ånga