I applied for housing through UAC but they told me I was too late for applying (even though I applied as soon as I got an answer from KI that I got in). I thought that KI could have been more helpful with finding an aparment but it´s probably very difficult for them since there is so much lacking of student apartments. I was also looking for an apartmen for my boyfriend and me and since he was studying in a different university it was difficult to find an apartment.
After a lot of searching I finally found an apartmentment through blocket.se which I was happy about. I sent in an advertisement to blocket.se along with picture and text about me and my boyfriend and got a reply from people who were moving abroad for the semester.
I was really lucky with the apartment since it wasn´t too expensive, at least not from what I heard that other people were paying for their apartments which were smaller and not as good facilities.
här bodde jag tillsammans med 1 spanjor, 1 argentinare, 1 mexikanare, 1 indonesiska och 1 amerikanska