Exchange report - incoming students
TANN-bygget i Tromsö
Home university: Fudan University
Study programme: Health Informatics (Master's)
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2011/2012
Name: Qing Wu
Email address:

Arrival and registration


After the arrival, I was curious about all the things because this was the first time for me to go abord. I felt smooth for all the arrangement. I took airport express to get the Stockholm center and then I met the host and get my dormitory. I didn't meet any problem although I am a new comer. The most impressions for the arrangement is smooth.



 Private Room, Shared Kitchen

The accommodation in KI is totally different from the accommodation in Chinese school.  I felt so lucky that I successly apply for the house in UAC. I experienced a lot from this. The most impressed me is the following two points:

1. Private room gave me private spare to handle my own stuff. This is not common in Chinese school.

2. Shared Kitchen. In China, we have no kitchen for students' acommodatioin. We have little chance to cook food for ourselves. But in the house in UAC, I practised my cooking skill a lot and learnt a lot. I felt very happy.

Leisure time and social activities

Wonderful Life

I have participated some social activities in Sweden. Actually it is not so difficult to get information about social activities. Besides social activities organized by school, my dormitory sometimes have some social activities too. I am very glad and impressed about these social activities. I made a lot of friends when I was in Sweden. Not only Swedish friends, but also many friends from all over the world. 

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Different Field, Different School, Different Country

Before departure, I got the exchange information from my school, Fudan University. I looked forword to study in KI because KI is famous for its medical field although my major was computer science. Luckily, I got the exchange information about medical informatics field, which is the mixure about medicine and computer science. I was so excited to get the chance to be an exchange student in KI because I can have the experience in a different field, a different school, and a different country.

Courses during the exchange period

4HI002 : KI Health informatics - needs, objectives and limitations
The most impressed me is its different teaching style from Chinese course. This course more pays attention on the students interaction and team work while Chinese courses more pay attention on teaching knowledge. I learnt a lot from this. I like this course and I enjoy the new teaching style.
1EE023 : Medicinskt informatikprojekt för utbytesstudenter
This is a course mainly focus on a support system. From the beginning, I haven't any background on the medicine. I learnt quickly and begin the project quickly through the face to face discussions. Finally, I built the system and finished the main functions. I learnt a lot from this course.


Lifetime wealth

This is the first time I try to learn and live independently away from my hometown and my parents. In the beginning, I was just nervous about go abroad to a different country with totally different culture and environment. After the exchange period, I have learned to deal with all kinds of staff all by myself and become much more independent. And I have made a lot of friends both in Sweden and from all over the world.
Besides, I have experienced quite a new ways of learning and living in Sweden. The educational ways and methods are totally different from those of my own countries. I participated in several courses and discussions and from these kinds of learning session I learned a lot not only in the aspect of knowledge but also the way of thinking and cooperation. This experience really impressed me a lot and to large extent influence my future life and thinking.
It is very honored to have this opportunity to exchange in KI. This experience will definitely be my treasure of my life.

Language and Culture

Easy to  Begin, Hard to Deep 

I did not participate in any Swedish language course during the exchange. However, I learned a log about Swedish language and culture during my daily life. I use English to communicate with others and before I left Sweden I can read several Swedish words and simple sentences.

Studies in general

Enjoy the New Teaching Style

Swedish study is different from Chinese study. Swedish study more pays attention on the students interaction and team work while Chinese study more pays attention on teaching knowledge. This is the most impressed me. I enjoy Swedish teaching style. Teachers have more interacion with students and students can imporve themselves on many aspect not only on technical knowledge. Besides, Swedish school privedes more comfortable study enviroment, for example Swedish school provides discussiion rooms.

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