were your impressions of the arrival arrangements and the introduction
I think all the arrangements were good, I had no problems with it. Introduction day was good aswell. It was alot things to do but together with all the other students I had no worries.
How did the contact with the student health centre work?
I got information about it but didn´t need to use their services.
What was your
impression of the housing arrangements?
My accommodation in Jägargatan was good. I had there everything I needed and if there was something lacking the caregiver of the house was there to help me and she was really nice person.
Did you apply for housing
through the University Accommodation Center (UAC)?
Yes, I did.
Did you arrange for
private housing? In that case, how?
What was your impression of the
standard and cost of housing?
I think it was fine knowing the cost of living in Stockholm.
Did you
participate in any social activities?
Yes, I participated for example some get-to-gether happenings/parties.
What were your impressions of the
social programmes provided for exchange students e.g. access to
information about social activities, availability of social activities?
It was ok, but I didn´t participate that much, I think I didn´t get so much information about the happenings so I participated only few times.
Did you make any Swedish friends?
I met some but didn´t get to know them too well. I think it would have been nice to meet more swedish people!
Why did you
choose to go on exchange?
I always thought it is a very good and special opportunity to go on exchange. It was very clear to me that I want to use that opportunity already in the beginning of my studies.
Why did you choose KI?
I chose to go to Stockholm, Sweden because and Karolinska Institutet because I have heard only good things about it.
I also had a friend who was interested to go there aswell.
What did you think of
the exchange information given by KI and your home university?
I got all information that I needed in good time.
What did
you think of the study abroad-information given by the partner
university and by KI?
It was all enough.
Were you required to be vaccinated or to bring
certain certificates?
I come from Finland so I didn´t need any of those.
1AR018 : Advanced clinical placement
I had two differen placements. I liked them both and I got to do alot. I also learned alot Swedish language during my placements and that makes me happy!
1AR010 : Organisation and Management
e course was a bit challenging for me since it was in Swedish and with the Swedish students but I learned alot and I´m happy I participated it!
1AR017 : Interprofessional Clinical Education
It was maybe the tuffest part of my studies. I was the only one as an exchange student but everybody was very kind and understanding to me I had maybe too high expectations for myself in the beginning, but I learned very much!
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
The course was supposed to take two weeks but I had no extra time so I was forced to work with the course in the evenings. It was a bit difficult since I would have liked to go to the KI library to do the course but I had a chance to do it only few times. But the course itself was interesting.
Please describe
your general impressions of your exchange period at KI. If there is
anything you wish had been arranged differently, please let us know.
I´m very pleased with my exchange! I learned alot about life and Swedish culture! It was also interesting to study in a foreign country. Everybody was very kind and they were always willing to help. I didn´t have any big problems during my stay. It was also really nice to live in multicultural corridor and make friends all around the world!
The only thing that was in my mind is that when I finished my exchange I would have happily met my supervisors once more to get a closer to my exchange. Otherwise I have nothing to complain about.
Did you participate in any Swedish language course during your exchange? If so, what were your impressions of the course?
I didn´t since I have been studing Swedish in my home country and I felt I had already good skills in the language.
Describe your
studies at KI in general, e.g. your impressions of the Swedish study
environment. How did you experience the relationship between student and
teacher/supervisor and between student and patient?
I liked very much my course ("Organisation och lederskap") during my stay. The teachers were nice and friendly, they really seemed to care for the students. My supervisors also told me to call them any time and I really had a feeling they are there for me.
Describe the
relationship between theory and clinical education. Please comment on
the differences and similarities between your home university and KI.
What was good and what could be improved? What did you learn?
I think it was quite similar to my home university, we had groupworking, discussions, lectures... One of the differences was that we had many teachers during one course, I think it was good and that´s how I got more perspective about one topic.