Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Christian Medical College, Vellore
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: Harini Srinivasan
Email address:

Arrival and registration

My arrival to Sweden was something adventurous to me.Till the moment i reached Doha, i never knew if i will get a host student to pick me up. This thought caused gooseflesh in me.
But by gods grace i had a host student waiting for me at Arlanda airport with my name on a what a sense of pride filled me to see my name written on a board.
Thanks to the pick up services who made my arrival so comfortable.


I was sent a mail from UAC before my departure asking me to give my prefernces for accomodation.
never did i realize that time that getting a place for accomodation in Sweden was such a trouble, till i actually saw it in reality.
nevertheless i was lucky enough to find a room in strix.
It was truely such a nice place to stay, well equipped." Home away from home"
Thanks to all the people at the UAC, Strix who made my stay so comfortable and also memorable.

Leisure time and social activities

Social life in Sweden was a totally a new culture to me.i could appreciate the difference and similarity with my culture though.
Getting to know new swedish friends, learning from them, teaching them, parties, hang outs was all real fun and frolly that made my stay really worth it and memorable.


I was selected from my class to go for the exchange programe at ki.
For a person like me who has not travelled any where much before, coming to Sweden was a dream. "will i really make it..?is it possible".. these thoughts kept flooding my mind all through.
Getting my passport and visa had a great deal of problems which left me sleep less for days.
"Finally the dawn will break"- and it did. All the troubles finally came to an end and i was ready. Sweden--here i come

Courses during the exchange period

SSKLITT01 : Literature Review
The topic for our literature review was"lonliness among elderly" Under the guidance of my research guide, we were able to go about the topic so systematically. She was always available and taught us so much.
SSK001 : Nursing of the elderly - Clinical education 1
I always had hatred for geriatric nursing till i saw it here. my posting in the geriatric nursing unit truely changed my outlook towards the care of elderly. A posting that i could cherish forever.
1EE055 : Somatic Nursing
I was lucky enough to get 6 weeks of posting here. My tutors out there,made my learning so pleasent. i was also able to do a presentation here.This was my first posting at KI and a very memorable one too.


On the whole my experiences in Sweden and at KI was life changing.
for a person like me who has never travelled going for the first time to the opposite side was a daring experience.
living 3 months in Sweden taught me so many new things, helped me explore myself, taught me so many new lessons for life.
the experiences changed me from what i was to what i am.a big thank you to all those who were vital in creating these changes in me.

Language and Culture

Hur mu du? Tack Tack.... All these that sounded greek and latin to me at the start seemed so intresting and fun after the swedish courses.
it was real fun to learn a new language.
the classes were intresting and awesome.
at the end of the classes i could truely experience a feeling of missing something.

Studies in general

The study environment here in Sweden and KI was something i really enved and was jealous about.
The freedom given to students, the friendly student-teacher relationship makes the study process really intresting and worthwhile.
I was blessed with having to work under the great leadership of my teachers that taught me how to go about doing things.
The study environment in Ki is something i really miss here.
It was for the first time i learnt how even studies could be so intresting and fun.
Thanks to all my teachers who made me realize the other perspective of studies.