Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Christian Medical College, Vellore
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: Era Deepika Dayal
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Arriving was fun for me because I missed my host student at the airport with my name on the placard too!! I then walked up confidently to the policemen and to my dismay found that they did not speak English!! So with my host student just few steps away I talked to her on the phone for the first time when they directed me to the help desk :\ but finally it was fun meeting her and travelling back all the way from Arlanda to Stockholm and Solna. On the way she gave me a good introduction to Sweden! She was very kind and enthusiastic even though she had a tight schedule of her own being a dentistry student. At T centralen my other student partner from India picked me up and we arranged to meet the next day with the host student.

the travel arrangements were good, and i was accompanied all the time. the health center worked so fine, i never had to got here again :)


I was accommodated in a single room in Strix. got it through the UAC. It was a good room with adequate furniture but inadequate heating L however the view was awesome and the furniture was adequate (one table, two cupboards, table lamp, three chairs, one clothes hanger)

 Also the laundry facilities and sauna was good J the kitchen also had good facilities and cooking food together and along with other people from Asia was a fun thing to do :D what more? Oh yes, the accommodation was very far from the place of work in we had a long travel to do every morning except in the emergency nursing  posting which was in Radmansgatan…just a few minutes away :D however shopping complexes and other facilities were very close so it was an okay deal for me J

Leisure time and social activities

For me it  was all about learning about Swedish lifestyle and culture…and also getting to know and interacting with as many people as I could in Sweden J the formal occasions were the International students parties which to be honest, were not as grand or crowded as I thought they would be. But we did get to know other students and teachers J I did ask my coordinator and she very kindly got me in touch with a few Spanish girls…then ofcourse life was different for me. I did get to meet people from all over the globe J I tried to be as open and accepting of cultures and behaviours. I went out for trekking, partying, dinners and even took part in a church activity of feeding homeless people J the MSF activities weren’t many when I arrived, I even missed the kayaking by a day L however, you always can do whatever you want to…I even visited Finland, Riga and Berlin in my free time. Going to other places was made very convenient and easy as we worked only four days a week. The best times of my life have been in those weekenends J


well we really didn't have a choice when it came to choosing the university because we have only one exchange programme. Me and my friend were selected from a bunch of other girls, but it was a really good university. I was very glad to be here. I think the leaflet that we get from KI while we are in our home countries is not very adequate. it should be more elaborate on basic living. i was there for three months. wasn't very useful when i got to Sweden, but when i did get here our coordinator handed me a file full of information, that was very useful. The study abroad information was ok, i wasn't required to get vaccinated but i did get all of my certificates and  papers that i thought i would need on the flight and incase of emergency.

Courses during the exchange period

SSKLITT01 : Literature Review
We had two weeks off for the review of literature. We were introduced to a very helpful faculty who had given us a lot of advice on how to do things and also where to search. She suggested us books from the library too. This was mostly work that we did on our own. We chose a topic that really moved us when we saw it in Sweden. It was “loneliness among the elderly in Sweden” we had a lot of new revelations as we searched through articles.
SSK001 : Nursing of the elderly - Clinical education 1
geriatrics ward was also a place that I spent a lot of time in also learnt a lot. Here the patients were not able to speak any english however they were very obliging in the care. There were books in the ward that I could borrow and read from. The tutors also taught a lot, especially in the differences in the care between the elderly and the young patients
1EE055 : Somatic Nursing
This ward was an amazing place to learn from, I was following about 2 to 3 nurses depending on their shifts. It was nice to see the different methods of patient care and learn about the conditionof each not just from the nurses but also from the doctors and the relatives. Most patients here were young so it was easy to converse with them. I was also very interested in the patients demands to the nurses and also to see the different problems that the nurses might be experiencing. Another thing that I really liked was that the rounds with the doctors were very interactive and they were willing to talk in English so that it would be easier for me to understand. The tutor their also helped me to find articles and get them printed so that I could learn more. There were nurses from different parts of the world but the way they were interacting with each other was very comfortable.


I had a very good time in these three months at Karolinska. I think it is a very mature university with very intellectual faculties. I would encourage students considering Karolinska to go ahead and do a semester there. The best thing about Stockholm is that there are people from all over the world and the faculties are very open and receiving of the students. Moreover KI has taken a lot of efforts to bring about ease for international students.

One particular quote that stands out in my head is that of the KI director (am not sure though about who said it) “The world does not need Karolinska as much as Karolinska needs the world”. This is such a wonderful show of the fact that KI has a lot of openness towards international students. True knowledge is not a pool of clear water, for a pool of water is never clear…however a collaboration of different calibers of brain, experience, knowledge and understanding …like a clear stream of water.

It’s one thing to want, another to be wanted. The second is always more rewarding.

KI wants you J

Language and Culture

Learning Swedish was a cold experience, but I say this only because the classes were in the cold evenings of September and October. But otherwise the teacher was very warm and understanding of our ignorance of our language. She had great patience as we tried to learn the language and wasn’t even laughing at all the wrong pronunciations J the class comprised of people from all over the world and so it was interesting to also learn about another country’s language and weird phrases. It’s a bit difficult for me as an Indian to learn the fact that I have better English than most Europeans. But anyways the class was a good way of getting education with a totally different group of people (nobody else was a nurse) !! J and since I was a nurse the toughest job for me was to pronounce the word “sjukhoterska”!! right from the first day at the hospital. So ofcourse when the teacher gave us the assignment of trying to pronounce the phrase ’77 nurses’ in Swedish…guess who was all smiley ;) J

Studies in general

We didn’t have a lot to study from the university except our own studies to do ofcourse which then was only more interesting. I had mostly practical’s in different areas and was able to learn a lot from the patients…who were my real study materials J also the rounds with the doctors and nurses were very educative about the care being given to the patients. I also used the library sometimes, for various reasons. The library is an amazingly large spacious and comfortable one. The tutors in different wards were also very encouraging and helpful in whatever area of life that I needed help J many of them had also been exchange students and had a good deal to understand me and help me in the different problems J