The global friends at KI organize different activities during the exchange, but the first activity during my exchange was in the end of October when I was almost leaving again. Because the most of the exchange students stay for a year, the global friends don’t start until then with the activities. The other thing is that when we went to the dinner in the end of October, most of the students knew eachothers from the school and we didn’t know anyone because we had been at the training at the hospital.
The two girls who were studying nursing lived near me and we spent our free time pretty much togheter. We cooked different foods and introduced our countries to eachother. We got a gym card on the first week we were staying in Stockholm and we always went togheter. Stockholm is such a big and interesting city that the activities don’t end. We often went to museums and shopping togheter. One of my friend loves second hand and vintage and Stockholm was a paradise for her. She also got me interested in second hand. The cute and cosy coffee houses and bars were my favorites, because we don’t have so much of them in Turku. Often we just met after the work day and sat the whole evening in a coffee house talking. As I mentioned before, the global friends did organize activities, but I left so ”early” that I couldn’t participate in many of them.
I didn’t meet so many other exchange students that were in Karolinska Institutet, but I, and my friends, were self active and got to know the most amazing people. A few of them were originally from Stockholm, others were exchange students from the Stockholm University. I was going to Stockholm to improve my Swedish, but I noticed that also my English got so much better from talking with all the other people who were from different countries.