Week one:
Attanded seminar presentation for three (3) hours
Attended the three (3) hours, Zambian/Uganda exchange students' research presentations to their examiners.
Spent four (4) hours discusing with my two students on their research paper.
Spent four (4) hours preparing my presentation.
Week two:
Attended two seminar presentations each lasting for five (5) hours
Presented my lecture to a class midwifery students- the five hours were shared by the four of us (presenters). We also had some role plays.
Watched a movie in preparation for the seminar presentation.
Spent four (4) hours discussing with my two students on their research paper.
Spent four (4) hours preparing my next presentation.
Spent sometime working on my research paper.
Week three:
Presented my lectuer to a class of midwifery students, we also had some demonstrations done. The day lasted for five hours and these were shared by the five presenters.
Attanded two seminar presentations that lasted for five hours each (two days).
Spent two (2) hours with my two students.
Spent sometime working on my research paper.
In summary my time in KI was spent as shown below:
- 60% lessons/seminar
- 20% student contact
- 10% Preparation for lecture/report writing
- 10% Own work and meeting people