Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universiteit Leiden
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

The campus of KI is much bigger than i'm used to. The introduction days were pretty okay, due to bad weather we didn't get a big tour around the campus so that was a pitty. Some of the lectures given were really fun, others were necessary to get some information about how things work on KI and in Sweden. 
Framme i Aten


I applied (via UAC) for a different place to live than what I eventually got. I wasn't really prepared for that, but when I arrived it all seemed pretty good as well and I've had a great time living at Jägargatan! 
Centrumet i Aten, Monastiraki

Leisure time and social activities

I've gone to some big parties from MF. That was great fun and so different than most of the parties back home. People standing on tables, singing songs, it was a lot of fun to see even while not understanding a thing because it all was Swedish. I made a lot of international friends during the introduction week, and have done a lot of exploring with them.
I've also made some Swedish friends in my class, which I really hope to stay in touch with.
Akropolis, Parthenonas


I have chosen to go on exchange because of the great stories from previous years and the good experience it would give me. There is an exchange programme between my university (Leiden) and KI. Everything was regulated greatly, there was a lot of crosstalk between our universities and that made everything a lot easier for us. So my pre-departure was pretty relaxed!

Courses during the exchange period

BIOX05 : BACH - Infection and Immunity
Fun course, longer than I was used to so I had to make sure I stayed on track with everything. Learned a lot.
BIOX06 : BACH - Integrative Physiology
Course with many different subjects. Sometimes there wasn't a connection between them. Exam was easier than expected so everything worked out fine. Having to come back just to give a presentation after the vacation was good because I've had a lot of fun in those weeks off, but seemed a little useless.


I've had a great time in Stockholm, made a lot of new friends and will never forget this experience!

Language and Culture

I haven't participated. And as almost all Swedisch people are good at English I haven't felt that I needed to learn Swedish. 

Studies in general

The way of teaching is very different than what I'm used to in Leiden. At KI studying is more passive because it mostly consists of lectures while back home in Leiden we have to read and prepare questions back at home which we discuss together. This is a more active way of learning because you're really busy with the subject. A lot of Swedisch students study for themselves after the lectures, When I got used to that, it gave a great feeling when you come back home and don't have to do a thing anymore!