Even before I got to Sweden I was very interested to see how it would work, doing one subject at a time and my final conclusion is that I wish my studies were like that in Australia. Doing one subject at a time means that you can put all your energy into that one subject instead of thinking about multiple subjects at the same time and becoming confused.
I really enjoyed that the courses that I chose had a large clinical aspect and lecturers often gave real life examples to show how the things that you are learning about have relevance. I also really like that there is a hospital on campus which my uni doesn't have and one of the courses that I did was actually in the hospital. Some days we even had patients come in and give talks about their disease. It was confronting but very interesting to see how the work we do one day will affect people.
I also liked how much group work there is. We had group assignments and group presentations which I think is important as working in a team is something that everyone needs to practise.
Some things that could be improved are the speed at which material such as lecture slides are uploaded onto pingpong and the organisation of the labs.