Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Università Degli Studi di Firenze
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2009/2010

Arrival and registration

I tink that could be useful for the student to receive at the arrival all the detailed programs about his/her courses that is going to attend.


I would have liked to have more assistance from the House caretaker (or any other person) at  the accomodation, not only in the morning , but also in the evening, because is the only moment that a student is at home.

At least to have a telephone number to call if there is any problem.

Leisure time and social activities

The Global Friends are very kind people and they organized some very good activities.

The other students of the KI don't talk a lot with international students: me and all the exchange students that I know didn't make any Swedish friends.


I chose to go on exchange to have the chance to see how they work in another counrty, and then to improve my English.

I chose KI because I knew before its very good reputation in Europe.

My university didn't give me any information about KI, I just talked with students that have been here before me.

I was required to to MRSA test before leaving.

Courses during the exchange period

ELAXX6 : Surgery 1
Well organized. Better to attend 1 week in each section of Surgery.
ELAX15 : Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1
Well organized. But after 3 months I'm still wating for knowing my grade!!!!!
ELA002 : Neurology 1
Not organized at all!!!! All doctors were very kind, but it would be better to ettend this rotation in a bigger neurology department, as in Huddinge. After 2 months I'm still waiting for my evaluation!!!!
ELAX21 : Internal Medicine - Emergency
My favourite course, I learnt a lot. But I would have liked to do more practical excercises on the dolls, that were never available.
ELA005 : Internal Medicine 1
Better to attend only one week in each ward. I would have liked to attend seminars and lectures.


I have had many problems during this period, but I'm happy to have done this experience that I hope will be useful to my future work.

Language and Culture

After some general lessons that are really necessary, I would suggest to teach more medical terms, because is the most important thing to learn for us to understand something at the hospital.

Studies in general

The relationship between teachers and students is very good in Sweden, there is almost no hierarchy, and I liked it. Usually even the patients are very kind with medical students, but the problem is the language. Actually I thought that more people in Sweden could speak English, above all the nurses: many of them don't seem to speak any English.