Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Högskolen i Buskerud
Study programme: Optometry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: Karoline Stustad Nybø
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Upon arrival I was very impressed. KI had arranged for us to be met by a swedish girl who showed us how to by tickets for the subway and also folowed us all the way to our apartments. Introduction day was OK, thoug we should have been another place. But as I mentioned earlier; nobody told us that. We didnt have any contact with the student health center.


The housing arrangements were OK. A little bit old and worn down, but at a great location! Easy to get to school, training and T-centralen.  I applied for housing through UAC. The costs for housing were good, at least cheaper than Norway.

Leisure time and social activities

No. But i had the oppurtunity. I think it is a good chance to make new friends through the social programmes.


I chose to go on exchange to get new experinces and learn how optometry was done in sweden. I went to KI beacuse the choice was between Sweden and Australia, and Australia is way too far. I think the information from both of the schools was awfull. We had to remind the teachers that we were there at the beginning of every new subject, and nobody told us anything about anything. Our own school probably didnt even know we were gone, and we had to tell them we were coming back so that they had a scedule for us. I didnt have to take any vacinations or bring any certificates.

Courses during the exchange period

1OP016 : Pharmacology
1OP012 : Ocular diseases
1OP014 : Optics of investigative instruments
1OP011 : Refraction 1
1OP013 : Refraction 2
G3XX06 : Perception


My general impression is that the school is great. But I think HIBU should stop their exchangeprogramme with KI, because it does not benefit the students at all. 

Language and Culture

Yes. All of our courses were in swedish. This was not a problem, since swedish and norwegian is very similar.

Studies in general

For us this exchange was a failure. We didnt learn anything, because we had already been thaugth the very same subjects in Norway (though I realize this is HIBUS fault and not Karolinskas). The relationsship between student and teacher was good, most of them were nice and easy to talk to. We had good clinical education, after first learning theoretically. My homeunicersity and KI is very similar in how they teach the students and how they communicate information.