Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Ergoterapeut- og fysioterapeutskolen i Århus
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: NordPlus
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013
Name: Bodil Tilma
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the introduction day at KI, because my course at the home university didn't end before this date. Also I was a bit too slow on the arrival arrangements, so I found my new home all by myself when I arrived - which was no problem at all. All the information beforehand was adequate enough. 
The student health center was very easy to get in contact with, no problem at all to get the MRSA-test.


I applied for housing trough the UAC, and got a nice and small room at Jägargatan 20, with shared toilet, showers and kitchen. The view was great, and the corridor-mates were nice. The kitchen was not the largest, and not always the most clean, which I guess is normal, when you share it with 14 other people. At least the atmosphere was good. 
Utsikt från balkongen

Leisure time and social activities

We started out with a dinner for all the PT, OT and nurses exchange student, with some local students as well - that was a really nice evening, I wished there had been more of those! 
The "Global Friends" committee arranged a lot of different stuff as well, which was very nice. 
A lot of things were planned among the other students in the corridor, I was never bored. Though it was mostly a multi culturel society and not that many Swedish people. 
I played "Innebandy" every tuesday, together with other physiotherapist students at KI, that was one of the only places to meet more local people. 
Great Ocean Road


I have always wanted to go abroad for some part of my study, and KI sounded like a very qualified and interesting place to be. I received emails and a letter with my learning agreement and other information about the university before going, which provided me with sufficient information about the study. 
I was only required to take an MRSA-sceering test before my clinical rotation. 

Courses during the exchange period

1SY018 : Physiotherapy 7 - Clinical physiotherapy
I first had a week of lectures both in classrooms and more practical, together with a Swedish class. That was followed by 5-6 weeks of clinical rotation based at the neurology apartment in Huddinge. It was a very interesting place to be, both with patients and more lectures by the supervisor. I the beginning it was most observation, but as the time passed we had more patients on our own, and the more interesting it got!
1EE020 : Literature review
A very independent course, where I had to write a research paper with my own choice of subject, without much help from the supervisor.
1EE019 : Clinical rotation 3 for exchange students - physiotherapy
I had 4 weeks of clinical rotation placed at a habilitation centre in Haninge. The patients were children with all kinds of different disabilities and needs. Again a very interesting placement, with a lot of different professions working the same place, trying to give the child and its family the best possible support in the everyday life. Very interesting to be working with children, though it was more consulting work than "hands-on".


Overall I have learned a lot the last 3 months - a lot of new interesting things in my studies, a lot about myself and other people - and other cultures, and last a lot about Stockholm and what a wonderful city it is. 
Staying in a corridor with only different nationalities than swedish, was very multi cultural and interesting, but I would have been preferable if at least some other swedish people have stayed there as well, to give a little hint of Swedish culture as well. 
I would - at any time - recommend going abroad for studying! Stockholm was a very nice place to be! 
Koala i nationalpark

Language and Culture

I didn't attend any swedish language course, since I thought my scandinavian language skills were enough. 

Studies in general

I only had one week of studies together with a swedish class. Which was very similair to the the study environment I'm used to, at home i Denmark. 
There was a very good combination of theory and practical education in the lectures, also in the clinical rotation I attended lectures.