Exchange report - incoming students
Med längdskidor i handen stående utanför TANN-bygget där den odontologiska utbildningen bedrivs. I Tromsö var det förövrigt lika vanligt att ta skidor till skolan under vinterhalvåret som cykla under sommarhalvåret.
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Midwifery
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: James Kaggwa
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Many thanks to the KI pick-up service (students) who received us at the airport on an early Saturday morning. They went ahead to help us acquire transport cards and escort us to our residences. Again, thank you!

I really enjoyed the introduction days. It gave me an opportunity to interact with students from elsewhere, learn a bit of Swedish culture and make new friends.

It was not hard to get in touch with the student health centre since there was a special time arranged for that so all I had to do was to join a group of students headed there.

Vår bil står parkerad vid riksgränsen. Miljön kändes öde, kraftfull och främmande. Nu var det bara några timmar till vi skulle komma fram till Tromsö.


I applied for housing through University Accommodation Centre. The entire housing arrangement was easy. I resided at Jagargatan which was cost friendly. I found no problem sharing the kitchen and bathrooms with a few individuals; matter of fact it all turned out highly interactive and social.

Synen som mötte mig en morgon när jag var på väg till skolan genom elljusspåret.

Leisure time and social activities

I participated in the social events organized by the Global Friends, from which I made a number of friends. We were kept in the know about the upcoming events via e-mail which I found very convenient. Though many of the events coincided with my studies or language classes, I really enjoyed the few I attended.

Vacker vy från vårt tält.


I chose to go on exchange mainly to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge from individuals and an environment different from what I was used to.

KI is a reputable medical university world over so when I learnt about the opportunity, I could not hesitate to apply.

The exchange and study-abroad information was helpful and detailed enough, this properly guided me about the whole program. Travel arrangements were easy since I did not require to be vaccinated nor bring any certificates.

Denna bild fångar den känsla som jag sökte och hoppades få uppleva när jag lämnade in min ansökan för att få åka på utbyte till Tromsö.

Courses during the exchange period

2BM009 : Midwifery lead pregnancy, labour and postpartum care
This was an interesting course during which I learnt the ethical principles of midwifery that I had not known of before. I got to learn the different labor maneuvers and delivery positions that allow utmost comfort for the mother. My instructors really emphasized the need to offer meticulous care and treatment to the mothers in order to avoid postpartum complications.
2EE089 : Antenatal care including fertility control, delivery, neonatal and postnatal care, theory and clinical education
This course opened my eyes about the need to seek care early enough during pregnancy in order to curb the problem of maternal and infant mortality/morbidity. I also got to participate in offering contraception services at different units in addition to youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services. I was introduced to different tests carried out on newborns and infants that I did not know of before.


The exchange period introduced me to a great deal of amazing things and made me generate a whole lot of ideas. I am motivated to put into practice the new skills and knowledge I gained in order to create a positive change.

Carpe diem!

Language and Culture

Yes, I participated in the language course and found it really helpful. I got to learn the basics of the language within a short time. The study materials provided were also easy to use and till today I’m able to teach myself the language using the same materials.

Hyttetur på Reinöya tillsammans men Odontologiska föreningen.

Studies in general

The Swedish study environment is very organized and interactive. I received a clear schedule of my entire clinical rotation beforehand which enabled me plan my study. The one-on-one teacher student relationship (unlike my home university) enhanced my learning since I had all the time to ask questions. The patients were also receptive so the learning process became even smoother. However there is more hands-on training at home because of a higher number of clients to work with. In general I learnt the importance of patient education; since the clients we worked with were highly informed, they were actively involved in the healthcare process which made work less cumbersome.

Här sitter jag i det båset som jag nyttjade under min tid på studentkliniken i Tromsö.