Exchange report - incoming students
Trinity College Main Campus Front Square
Home university: Nova Southeastern University
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

Arriving to my accommodation center was quite challenging; however once we were able to navigate to the Huddinge and Solna Campus and find our way once actually on campus, the tours, introductions and explanations were very thorough and helpful.  Contact with the student health center was a part of our first day introduction. 


Yes, I used the UAC, and although the pictures online do not quite reflect the actual rooms/kitchens, I felt as if the cost of living compared to other accommodation centers was very reasonable.  I truly had an wonderful experience with the cultural diversity and the living situation.  If there was any housing issue/question, the caretaker was quick to respond. 

Leisure time and social activities

I joined global friends and was a part of the physiotherapy floor ball group sessions on Tuesdays, and I will have to admit that I feel as if KI does a great job of welcoming international students.  Through emails and some social networking, I was able to be updated about upcoming events, and/or social activities. I made a few Swedish friends, and all were through KI. 


I chose Sweden because I wanted the opportunity to study abroad and experience cultural differences other than my own.  I chose KI because of the good reputation it has in regards to research and overall education. My university had a complete application but did not really have much information in regards to housing and transportation or the details, I received more information from KI.   It would have been nice to be able to log onto a chat of some sort prior to departure to Sweden to be able to ask detailed questions about public transportation, grocery stores, and any other questions students that may arise for students planning to attend KI.  

I did not require any vaccinations other than the normal ones required to be a student in the USA and was required to be screened for MRSA prior to start of therapy. 

Courses during the exchange period

1EE016 : Clinical rotation 2.1 for exchange students - physiotherapy
During the first clinical rotation, I learned an immense amount of information in regards to patients with rheumatic diseases, and that is not something that we cover in depth while studying in school. The supervisors were extremely knowledgeable and provided an preferable learning atmosphere that encouraged me as a student clinician. They were readily available to answer any questions and discuss any relevant information in regards to the patient and physiotherapy.
1EE019 : Clinical rotation 3 for exchange students - physiotherapy
Just like during the first clinical rotation, the neurology rotation was quite new to me as well, although I was educated quite intensely about treating SCI patients and important interventions, my hands on experience with these types of patients was very limited prior to start of the rotation. Despite my lack of physical experience, this internship provided an incredible opportunity for me to gain insight and experience when working with patients with SCI's. Again the supervisors, as well as the corresponding staff members, created a positive environment that was conducive to learning.


Overall, I had an amazing experience and was capable of capturing Sweden and how Physiotherapy works first hand, which is quite different from the USA in many ways, but healthcare is one major difference.  It was an incredible cultural experience, and despite the language barrier (because I am not fluent in Swedish), I was still able to communicate with my patients and build a good patient rapport while providing treatment.  It helped me to continue to grow as a student clinician and build confidence in my skills - I couldn't ask for a better environment than that. 

 I wish that the time that we were visiting was maybe for a bit longer, and more towards the Spring months, but even with the cold, I would not go back and change my decision, in fact, I would do it all over again. I would recommend this to my colleagues. 

Language and Culture

Unfortunately, due to the limited amount of time that clinical rotations lasted, I was unable to participate with any language classes. 

Studies in general

I only completed clinical internships while studying abroad at KI and was unable to explore the education world at KI.  However, during all introductions and explanations (i.e. of gait analysis machine and how it operates, etc.) I was capable of learning a lot, and the clinical setting ways are similar in regards to the treatment aspect, but are different when it comes to patient case load.