Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universidade de Lisboa
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013
Name: Ricardo Coutinho
Email address:

Arrival and registration

We weren't there for the "welcome day", but we were very well introduced to the KI and city of stockholm by the students and the teachers. (and the Global Friends)

We didn's ask for someone to pick us up at the airport or T-Centralen but one of the exchange students that have been in portugal last year helped us with that anyway. :)


We applied for a room in Jagärgatan, and we were pleased with the clean aspect of the rooms. It was a good stay there especially because of the exchange environment. THE INTERNET WAS VERY VERY VERY SLOW, specially  at night with all the students there, sometimes that was really anoying.

Leisure time and social activities

In the most cases, friday pub in hudinge, global friends events and social meetings with the people from jagärgatan


I decided to go on exchange because this type of experience abroad is very important  because of the need of speaking in a diferent language or the fact that you have to quicly adapt.

We had only two choices possible Université Cathólique de Louvain (Brussels) or the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm; two reasons for choosing KI, the city of Stockholm, and the fact that the majority of the people in Sweden speak at least decent english. Once I arrived I knew that I coul also have choosen it because of it's reputation that I didn't knew about before.

The information about the exchange was clearly better in your end than it was in Lisbon, nevertheless I think I was still in possesion of enaugh information before getting there.

We were told to test for the MRSA and to bring the european helth ensurance card, besides that only the normal documentation, ERASMUS papers and ID, as I remember.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
Vux was very well organized
ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
working in pairs was very helpful



I learned
I rested
I had fun
I loved
I recommend

Language and Culture

didn't do a swedish course

Studies in general

That part is the esiest to describe.

almost perfect (sometimes the staff could be nicer - specially the dental nurses)