The Swedish study fascinating environment is moreless similar to that we have in Uganda. It is in both contexts student based and participation. Through exposure to different Clinical placements and interacting and sharing with several experts in different Medical field,i was able to yield as much knowledge and skills as i had expected at the beginning of my Clinical practice.I generated knowledge and skills in Occupational therapy.Physiotherapy, Medicine among others.The well resourceful KI library, skillful and knowledgable supervisor,who could instruct,guide and translate Swedish during initial interview with dementia patients,helped me a lot to over come the problem of language barrier.
The supervisor was very friendly and helpful from the beginning upto the end of my Clinical placement. She connected me to different Medical professionals who were also willing and supportive to a person like me who was needful for knowledge and skills, am so appreciative to every one.
Clinical education is as far more better than theoretical knowledge.This is so because during Clinical practice, a student uses all the five senses to observe, assess,experiment and make concise,pricise,and correct interventions.
In both my partner University and KI,we more less use the same system though we are more theoretical.The major difference in both contexts is that KI has well adapted environment to cater for disability and advanced and accessible technical aids for the patients.
Generally,KI environment is very nice and motivating to work in. Through KI that i had a chance to view modern assistive aids and also learned to write up a good Literature Review.