Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

                          It was a Cold Friday morning when i arrived at Arlanda Airport.Many thanks to my international student coordinator because she organised for us,me and my colleague, a Contact person to pick us from the Airport.Since it was our first time to be Europé,every thing was a surprise to us.She hired a taxi and a companied us to Jagargatan,the KI University Accommodation Centre(UAC) with our laggage. From there,she linked us to our Student coordinator, who warmly welcomed us. She helped us to open up the bank accounts,to get the SL travel cards,the KI student Identity cards and also to connect us to the MRSA Screening Test centre and are relly grateful with all her assistance she extended to us.


                         The housing  arrangements at the UAC are relly nice and convinient for every one.I had to apply through the UAC website and the process was not so easy as it involved several steps. The challenge i faced was that the application process was not so easy as it was security wise controlled. I arranged for private housing and this was convinient since the price was relatively good.I kept in direct Contact with KI housing and through the several files that included rental filling in options,that i had the first option which was a relatively good price.The standard and cost of housing at UAC depends on individual the of Life that an indidual would like to enjoy.For students relatively good priced rental apartments are goods in that most of the facilities are shared.The only problem would arise when some Equipments are damaged by unknown member(s).But,above all this is  a good system.


Entrén till kvarteret där jag bodde. Tog bilden tidigt på morgonen därför är det så tomt. Jag bodde till höger runt hörnet.

Leisure time and social activities

 I participated in social activities such as Group dinnar other international students and teachers at KI and was relly wonderful for me Since i had a chance to express my self.Through Church masses, i was able enjoy the glorious and sweet Church merodies. Through outings, i was able see the Beautiful nature of Stockholm which is very attractive and inspiring for every one from different parts of the World to visit.

I was able to figure out what happens during the different climatic periods for example during Winter,people keep Indoors as a compensatory means to extreme coldness outside and come outdoors to enjoy the precious Spring,Summer and Autumn as the gather around in small Groups.In Sweden,every body is my friend irrespective of which counry that person is coming from.I Always have a belief that wherever igo, i meet my new Brothers and sisters under one family of God.

Piazza del Popolo


I chose to go on exchange because of the good partnership between my home University(Makerere University) and Karolinska Institutet. For me, it seemed like a dream, yet it was a reality to have this opportunity as an exchange student.I was exceedingly thrilled when this good news leaked my ears that i was one of the two who were to represent the University in the field of Occupational Therapy. There and then, i developed lots memories and immaginations about how Sweden looked like and Europé as a continent at large.


I chose KI because it's one of the world's outstanding Medical universities with great scientists and researchers and with its internationally sounding reputation and fascinating study Environment.

I had lots of expectations about the way the field of Occupational Therapy is structured in Sweden. The differences and similarities between the education system at KI and my home University. The organisation of the Health Care System in Sweden was also another point of interest for me.The Life span of the people in Sweden in compulsion to my home country, Uganda. The plan of Stockholm city in compulsion to Kampala city.The transport system in Uganda in compulsion to Sweden. The housing system in Sweden, as regards to disability and the necessary adaptations in compulsion with that in Uganda, among others.


The information given by two universities varries in so many circumstances.Information received from KI is more practical since it involves,using advanced technical aids like electrically driven Wheel chairs,mobile Hoists,etc and Equipment that are used especially in the hospital settings unlike that from the partner University. In Karolinska Intitutet,there are so many on going research and successul researchers are given gold medals as a sign of recognition for their contributions towards society development whereas in the partner University  less research is done.

No vaccination and certain certificates were required of me,except i was obliged to perform an MRSA Screening Test prior to my arrival and also the test results were one the requirements before i could start working on patients and indeed this was successful.













Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
CBR was not only an interesting but also a good course tha tcan be applied in different countries,most especially Uganda. It was a unifying course as it involved meeting,interacting and sharing knowledge from global context. It involved mitgating the challenges that people with disabilities (PWD) counteract and generating solutions to such challenges.The teaching methods were so good,they involved small Group discussion,and discussion between the lecturers/supervisors and the class as a whole. It also involved understanding the ethical and cultural dilemmas followed while rehabilitating and working with PWD. Through studying this CBR course, i was also exposed memory investigation computer controlled aids that i realised were so vital as far as rehabilitation is concerned.
EAR002 : Clinical rotation 2 for exchange students - occupational therapy
I gained a lot of knowledge and skills since i was able to intervene and work on different patient Groups and these included the following: Memory investigation for patients with dementia and the necessary Occupational Therapy(OT) interventions done; Patients with Parkinson's disease; Patients with hand injuries and the different designs of splints suitable for such patients; Patients with Spinal cord injuries and OT interventions,Stroke patients and OT interventions; Patients withCerebral palsy and OT interventions;A patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(AMS) who was rehabilitated through audio Visual means, such as assistive controlled Communication Visual computer aids and lastly, wheelchair,crutches, toilet and bath aids adjustments and repair.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
This being my first time to come across this kind of Writing, it wasn't so easy for me. I had to such for articles that were almost matching with study topic and also to critically analyse this literature so that it could suit my study topic. Finally, through using logical thinking and reasoning, i came up with a complete Literature Review and me this was an achievement.


The outstanding time for in Sweden has been so vital in my Life.It has shaped me up professionally and i have attained enough knowledge and skills from different experienced personnels.Now, am looking forward to become a good and prosperous Occupational Therapist.

   I extend my sincere thanks to the sponsors of this Student Exchange programme, LINNAEUS PALME,may Almighty reward you with double delight for letting me have this fortune. Am relly grateful for your endless support you give,most especially to developing countries like Uganda.

   I would also like appreciate the good work rendered me by the International student supervisors and co ordinators, your present makes us firm,competent and focused.

Additionally, i Would like thank my supervisor who helped a lot during extreme Coldness of Winter to cope up and all the rest of other clinicalinstructors,your presence has lifted me to the next energy level upon completion of this student Exchange programme.

 Lastly,i thank all the Swedish people and my colleagues for the good atmosphere and protection, that has enabled me complete my course successfully.

Language and Culture

         Not Applicable.

Studies in general

                                     The Swedish study fascinating environment is moreless similar to that we have in Uganda. It is in both contexts student based and participation. Through exposure to different Clinical placements and interacting and sharing with several experts in different Medical field,i was able to yield as much knowledge and skills as i had expected at the beginning of my Clinical practice.I generated knowledge and skills in Occupational therapy.Physiotherapy, Medicine among others.The well resourceful KI library, skillful and knowledgable  supervisor,who could instruct,guide and translate Swedish during initial interview with dementia patients,helped me a lot to over come the problem of language barrier.

The supervisor was very friendly and helpful from the beginning upto the end of my Clinical placement. She connected me to different Medical professionals who were also willing and supportive to a person like me who was needful for knowledge and skills, am so appreciative to every one.

Clinical education is as far more better than theoretical knowledge.This is so because during Clinical practice, a student uses all the five senses to observe, assess,experiment and make concise,pricise,and correct interventions.

In both my partner University and KI,we more less use the same system though we are more theoretical.The major difference in both contexts is that KI has well adapted environment to cater for disability and advanced and accessible technical aids for the patients.

 Generally,KI environment is very nice and motivating to work in. Through KI that i had a chance to view modern assistive aids and also learned to write up a good Literature Review.

Psykologiska fakulteten i Cesena. Inte direkt vad man föreställer sig att universitetet ska se ut när man pluggar på Europas äldsta universitet.