Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Professionshøjskolen Metropol (University College Copenhagen)
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013

Arrival and registration

I found the introduction day very interesting and useful. Great to meet the other exchange students.
The lecure "communicating in between cultures" was very interesting and inspiring. The teacher made so many good point about different cultures and how different we all are but at the same time the same. 
The contact to the student health care center was okay. Did not had much contact besides the MRSA test the first day. 


Nice and easy to apply for accommodation through UAC. The room at the student accommodation was a good size and with a nice bathroom. Kitchen was functional.  Opportunity to meet other people from different cultures. 

Leisure time and social activities

The introduction day introduced me to the rest of the international students who was attending the exchange program. I attended some of Global friends arrangements and found them very good because the introduced us to other students and teachers. 
I also attended a international dinner for nurses, physiotherapists and ergotherapists students. Was a great opportunity to talk to student within the same area. 


I chose to do an exchange to KI because I wanted to experience the swedish health care system, culture and meet new people from all over the world. I have been on exchange before which was an amazing experience for me. I choose KI because I have heard a lot a good things about the Institute plus I were on vacation in Stockholm in summer 2012 and found the city very attractive. 

I found the information from KI very useful, both on the webside and the information I got by mail.
I was not required to get any vaccination or bring any certification.      

Courses during the exchange period

SSKKIR01 : Somatic nursing, surgery - Clinical education 2
Great course! Learn so much at my 6 weeks clinical rotation. I was at K66 Huddinge sjukhus, which is a surgical urological ward. Everyone was so nice, welcoming and believe in us, which created a great learning environment. Learn a lot about the procedure pre, under and post operative and what the nurses role is in this. Besides that I improved my clinical skills within nursing. This course was very relevant for my degree. Helena, my supervisor, was the greatest! She was so good during the entire rotation. She kept believing in me and my ability as a upcoming nurse, which created a learning environment that's was better than I ever experienced before. I can't thank her enough. All the other nurses I was working with during the course, was great too. Very good co-workers and a great team in general.
SSKPED01 : Child and adolescents health care - Clinical education
Good course and relevant for my degree. I learned a lot about the relation between parents and their children and how much the parents influence the children. I had 6 weeks at urological and hematology day ward for children 0-18. Because it was a day ward, most of the nursing intervention was information and preparation for examination. I learned that distraction and information is very important when you work with children and of course always have a smile on your face. The team was very good. Worked well together and helped each other out when the children was scared and started to get hard to work with. All very confident in their skills and great with children.


Great exchange. Learned a lot in my different courses and the social environment was very good. We had a great group of different people from all over the world. 

Language and Culture

I did not attend any Swedish courses because it was not offered to student from Scandinavia. 

I could not speak much Swedish when I arrived to KI but I improved a lot just by being at the ward, listening an trying to speak Swedish. 

Studies in general

I did 12 weeks of clinical rotation. Everyone was very nice and welcoming. I had the opportunity to practicing my clinical skills and with the great learning environment, especially at Huddinge  K66 Urologic surgical made it so much easier to just jump out and do it. Improved my self confides within nursing care a lot.