Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne Université)
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn and spring semester 2012/2013
Name: Bertille Briard
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Everything was set up for me when i arrived: a student came to pick me up with my accomodation key, I knew exactly where to go the next day and I met some of my friends at the introduction week.


I was in a student accomodation for the whole year. One of my relatives spent six month there and told me not to excpect something cosy and clean, so I was very surprised when I arrived. It was all clean, with almost new furniture. Even the common part (kitchen an corridor) where ok, even if we had to clean it all over the firsts days. A good way to meet my knew corridor mates!

Leisure time and social activities

I went to the student association a couple of times, and it was really nice. Unfortunately, i didn't make any good sweedish friends, but i met a lot of them during my class.
Ko Phi Phi a.k.a. The Beach


I decided to go to Karolinska Institutet because I had heard about it, and I knew it was very famous for the high quality of medical teaching. And also because I wanted to know more about scandinavian countries.

Courses during the exchange period

D8XX01 : Clinical Medicine - Surgery
Very good course, well organized, very friendly teachers and a unique occasion to meet swedes students. The courses are not going as deep as we have back home, but it's a good thing since you feel like you learn more about daily practise.
ELAXX6 : Surgery 1
Orthopedics: as the only erasmus student, I didn't have any lecture or seminar, and they didn't even care if i was there or not. I've seen 5 times the same surgery, and i got to help a lot only once. I wouldn't reccommand it, but some of my friends who had it said it was better when there where more than one student in the service. I hope so!
2EE090 : Emergency Medicine
Very good course, I feel like I've learnt a lot.
ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
A lot of hours at the hospital not to see that much, but i guess it's all about liking gyn&obs more than the organisation of the course!
ELAX20 : Inflammatory Diseases
Very good, having the seminar in the morning and rotation in the afternoon allowed us to see what we had just learnt. Well organised, very nice teachers.


Best year of my life, from far. I would do exactly the same if i had the occasion!

Language and Culture

I had 3 days of swedish classes during the introduction week, then once/w 3 hours. Very interesting, I would have liked to have more free classes afterward, but i couldn't find any (staying less than 12 months, it's not possible to find any free course!)

Studies in general

Relations between students and teachers are completely different from my home country, and i was a bit surprise (not to say embarrassed) to discover that swedish teachers are very "friendly". And they not only care about your studies but also your personal well being. That makes me even more into studying since I didn't want to disappoint them.
Work at the hospital is much more about learning that at home, and very practical instead of theoritical. I learnt a lot on the field, which i couldn't do at home. But it also let me less time to study by myself.