Because to criticize or to improve your knowledge (a man can criticize only if he has notions about a topic, or knowledge in general) you should try what's going on around you, your field, your country, your mind. It was almost a way to "throw away" my naive word and reach the consciousness.
ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
this is the best clinical rotation that I've never had because the theoretical education given was extended to almost each field of gynecology and obstetric and because they introduced us in the practical stuffs through some practical simulations. The only problem was that they split the students into different subgroups in different hospitals and sometimes no one knew about our education in that hospital. So it could be better if every doctors attend a course to prepare their-self to teach to international student. Dspite this small critic all the coordinators left me a big passion about the Gynecology and after this experience I fell myself close to gynecology how I've never imaged before. The examination was a big work/research about a topic in wich we had to make a presentation related only to the evidence based medicine about that topic. They teached me how to make this kind of research and how to find information in pub-med etc, so I learned a lot of new things. One of the most organized side were the seminars in which you had to prepare itself about a topic and solve some clinical cases.
ELA005 : Internal Medicine 1
Unfortunately I didn't any theoretical courses related to this field and the practical organization itself wasn't so organized. I mean I was alone and initially no one (except the coordinator) knew about my arrival. But at the end I found many good doctors who took care of me and taught me almost everything they could. The examination was only to report and discuss some clinical cases, but I'm happy because they shown me how to make a lots of practical staffs.
ELAXX6 : Surgery 1
This surgery course was a mixture of many different kind of surgery even if I expected only the General Surgery but I preferred that mixture because I could see a lots of new things and they left me to improve my practical education almost in each surgery that I did. So I'm very happy about this course and despite the theoretical wasn't so organized I found teachers who did me "private lessons" just to focus on the most important topic. Unfortunately due to this mixture of surgery I was not that close to the others students and I studied alone but it wasn't a problem because I use to study alone in my own country every time. The examination was made up by both written and oral examination and it was good, not so difficult not so easy.
2EE090 : Emergency Medicine
The course itself was really well organized especially the theoretical part and the simulation part, but a bit confused about the practical side. The examination and the way to prepare it was interesting and I had a really good feeling in the division of that examination in three parts, theoretical, simulation and clinical presentation. Unfortunately I didn't get why every student had the same grades and why the grades where established from the beginning.
Unfortunately I did many courses alone, but otherwise everyone was kind and gentle with me. No world about the relationship between theory and clinical education, it was simply perfect.