Studies at KI as compared to TISS
The KI study environment is very different from my home university. One important reason could be the basic essence of education. From my experiences with the Masters in Public Health Sciences Epidemiology courses, I can take this opportunity to congratulate the KI course coordinators for formulating the courses in a way that give students, the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the real world. Practical application of the matter taught was given as much importance as the classroom lectures. This was a welcome change. Also the classroom environment was very peaceful (a Swedish trait I guess!) yet interactive.
The Classes
Also, group work among classmates was an integral part of the courses and proved not only more knowledge generating but also more fun. Group Assignments is an inevitable part of the TISS course curriculum as well. Thus, accustoming to that method came naturally. I must say that the students were extremely supportive towards me in all the group assignments. I was even invited for home study sessions by friends. The class was always available to help me wherever I got stuck. Considering that the class was truly international, with students from all over the world, the group discussions used to be an eye opener. For example, designing a questionnaire for assessing the socio-demographic profile of respondents, an Indian might see the need to ask 'marital status' extremely important whereas a Swedish would see that institution, not as essential in ascertaining one's demography. This shows how the cultural differences bring variation, generating new dimensions to the class. When comparing with my home institute I must say, that the Indian classroom settings are a little more thought provoking than the KI classroom settings, but the organization and management of the courses in KI was unique. Also, a global perspective towards Epidemiology (visible through the health problems discussed and examples given) is worth noticing.
The Faculty and the Teaching Methodology
I would take this opportunity to congratulate the teachers, especially of the course 'Advanced Statistics in Epidemiology', who were present constantly to answer the queries of the students. Not only were they well prepared to teach theory in the class, but provided their assistance in practical applications of Statistics via SPSS. Those computer lab sessions proved highly beneficial for me. The faculty deserves applause for making the students learn to apply concepts themselves. A detailed guide to do computer activities after each class shows the effort put in by the teachers to the course and I truly admire them for that. Although I do feel that showing videos of 'How to use SPSS' , as done in the other course 'Collecting and Organizing Data' should not be the preferred way of teaching. Also the SPSS applications were repetitive between the two courses.
Miscellaneous activities
Through KI, I got the opportunity to attend a Conference on Global Health organized in association with WHO. The Key Note Lecture on the future challenges for Global Health, is by one of the leading academicians of Sweden and the world. His presentation on the disease spectrum, post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) scenario, was inspirational.
As I am a PhD student, my doctoral work is never out of mind. After the classes I used to be in library, accessing online journals, books and reports, which could help my doctoral work. The KI library was highly equipped in that regard and I benefited a lot from it.