Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Impression of the arrival arrangement and introduction days: I had made prior arrangements with one of the teachers at the Institutet with whom I had been in-touch for a long time who picked me up from the Airport, he was prompt with time and gave me a warm welcome, he arranged accommodation at this residency together with his family members, together with his family he arranged for a quick look at Stockholm in general. Introduction days arranged by the institution where great, the Language was mostly English I guess few of the students could speak Swedish which was great! There were motivational en brightening speeches from great characters on the introduction days which was easy to follow up without getting bored, these days also facilitated proper mingling across board. Contact with student health centre: there was a team of great stuff, they were welcoming and had fantastic customer care but we had to wait a little bit longer to get tested! Their services were user friendly.


Impression of the housing arrangement and costs involved: there was a team of dedicated UAC members who were keen to reply mails regarding accommodation though they would delay a bit, booking was done online en I happened to be given apartment of my choice. The accommodation was relatively costly compared to my countries cost of living since and also that I did not have any stipends for this arrangement. The apartment I slept did not have self-contained rooms and the kitchen had a tendency to crowd during peak hours. Lighting and radiations was acceptable

Leisure time and social activities

There lots of social activities organized by the Student Union, parties and tours around Stockholm, I was always there and this helped me to mingle and develop great understanding of cultures and life styles of Sweden. Most Swedish seemed generous and sincere people but less willing to initiate a conversation, Ha-ha off course not all. Information was available if one needed it regarding social activities from the student Union they would respond to an email on time. We organized a lot of corridor parties in different apartments and we would meet en mingle with wine en food. I made some friends some of whom hosted me for dinners at their apartments. I enjoyed the Christmas wine with nuts (Glogg). I went Skiing for the first time in life when I was in Sweden with my Swedish family friends one of which is a professor at KI


Why I chose exchange: exchange was the only opportunity to share experiences and broaden understanding of the variety of diseases and possibilities for intervention from different parts of the world Why I chose KI: it’s because KI has had an established exchange program with my university otherwise I would not have had such an opportunity to. What I thought about the exchange information given by home university and KI: I received a lot of information especially from KI and not so much from home University, I received a lot of emails all well addressed, I did not receive any emails by mistake though they were quite may so I needed to concentrate at all details in-order to capture everything well. What I thought about the study abroad information: this information was very important to calculate costs involved and prepare me on what to expect in due course when I am abroad. Vaccination: I was not required to take particular vaccination but prior to traveling especially if one comes from the tropics it’s a requirement to take yellow fever vaccination. I did take mandatory vaccinations by international standards but then I was required by KI to screen for MRSA on arrival especially that I was to get in touch with patients. Others: I had to make applications for Visas en I did not realize until I reached Amsterdam that I was in possession of a wrong Visa good enough there was understanding where I mentioned KI en I was allowed in to the Schengen area

Courses during the exchange period

ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1. Obstetrics and Gynecology clinical rotation course: we had a couple of seminar and case scenarios which were given in advance so we were required to make prior preparations in-terms of reading and power point presentation. The teacher would then comment and a brief lecture, the rest of official class time would be on the wards with a supervisor. We had a research topic to write on as part of the final assessment that was Evidence based Medicine. There was no streamlined interaction with the Swedish students in the clinical which would have been nice to compare notes. All the teachings where relevant to the course. There should be more opportunities to assist in surgeries and do some procedure under tight supervision. The clinical morning meetings should me streamlined to cater for the language deficits so that everyone typically follows up.
2EE090 : Emergency Medicine
3. Emergency medicine (Akut medicine): In this department we reported daily to the day’s boss who allocated us a supervisor for the day, upon that we would then hang together for the clinical work in that shift. These were quite more equipped with English so it was easy cope up! There was great interaction with the Swedish students on the wards (emergency room). We had lectures which were all on schedule, we had a written exam, we had a presentation on a topic and a simulation with the rest of the stuff members all as one and thereafter each of us had an opportunity to manage emergency scenarios solely. It was an action packed rotation. In this department I had a lot to learn as a medicine student
ELAXX8 : Surgery 3
2. Clinical rotation in Surgery: I had scheduled seminars and attachments to different supervisors each day. There was great interaction with the Swedish students on the wards and morning meeting which however they had separate seminars in order to bridge their knowledge gaps which was okay. Urology was part of surgery plus Anesthesia and Upper GIT Surgery. Anesthesia and urology had well streamlined lectures and power points which were done on schedule upper GIT did not seem to be there as yet in terms of scheduled lectures. I did a written clinical exam comprising mainly the clinical scenarios encountered on the wards as part of my assessment. The morning meeting where conducted in English because of my presence. I was only one international student for that program. The stuff where willing to have me as the student and teach me but then a good number had challenges with keeping up-to the English language so I would lose track of what’s going on in the OR a number of times on . Most of my clinical education in the department was relevant to my degree course.


My impression of exchange at KI is of such a fantastic Idea with a lot of experience and exposure gathered. I appreciated medical practice in a different resource setting. This experience is something to write home about. I appreciated different international cultures. Knowledge base, experiences and in the end I feel more adopted and ready to face challenges in management of patients in any part of the world.

Language and Culture

I had the opportunity to attend this course where I learned some of the basic Swedish communications with the patients and in the supermarket as I go to buy items, this was a great opportunity for us foreigners only that these lectures were mostly in the evening so the brain would be tired after the day’s work. The course was a great opportunity and I was impressed.

Studies in general

I took three rotations in total for a period of about 4 months; I met the most caring stuff en approachable teachers. There was good balance between free time and Academic work, most teachers where dedicated to imparting knowledge which I think is one way to transfer experience to young ones in the field of Medicine. In some disciplines there was no interaction on the wards with the Swedish students which I think was not so amazing and in others we interacted on the wards and had separate seminars which I thought was beneficial to the two groups of scholars. In some disciplines arrangements were made by the Swedish student to meet for dinners and we had some time to compare notes. The mode of examination was holistic and in line with course content, I learned a lot of new things and this I thought was relevant to my degree. There were a team of dedicated teachers most of them had a good command of the English language but more effort is needed for others to learn more English as a language of communication for the international class. There was a great deal of Diagnostic options or modalities in my midst as medical student to see in the intervention of different Illnesses but there was little room for me to get involved or perform by myself, I had some extent of theoretical knowledge and hands-on from Uganda but little exposure to high-Tech. I had good time with some patients whereas others opted to keep me out of the examining rooms To compare and contrast KI and Makerere University: Both Universities emphasize a great deal of practical education with seminars, case scenarios and offer students opportunities to interact with patients. In contrast The KI teachers are more understanding and more willing to listen to their students than my home university. KI has great opportunities for funding, resources and a favorable learning environment; this is well ahead of my home university. On the other hand students in my University have more opportunities for Hands on practice and there is also great peer interaction.